The court ruled the "Crossroads of the soul "is now defined REELECTION
Colombia became a political crossroads to another in a few hours after the Constitutional Court repealed the call for a referendum on the second re-election of Alvaro Uribe.
Thus, the court held the "crossroads of the soul" who claimed to have Uribe on a new mandate, but led to another with the start of one of the shortest presidential campaigns and intense in recent years in this country.
"anything can happen here and we are facing something unprecedented," he anticipates the BBC Napoleon Franco, director of one of the most prestigious polling firms Colombia.
The spotlight is on a half-dozen candidates who could win the presidential election, whose first round vote on May 30.
The main cards in the pack are former ministers Juan Manuel Santos, Rafael Pardo, Noemi Sanin and Martha Lucia Ramirez, the former mayor Sergio Fajardo, Enrique Peñalosa, Antanas Mockus and Luis Eduardo Garzon, the former congressman and Germain Vargas Lleras Senator Gustavo Petro.
All political analysts polled by BBC World are convinced that none of the candidates currently has more than 50 percent of the votes to win in the first round.
"I think the second round in mid-June and will, surely, Juan Manuel Santos, Uribe as representation, but do not know who will be the tab is not Uribe," says Franco.
The least important
One of the big unknowns is the role that Uribe played in the presidential election.
In this scenario, most have moved away from Uribe are Petro, of the leftist Alternative Democratic Pole PDA, Pardo, the Liberal Party and former Mayor Garzón.
Speaking to BBC World, the former Liberal minister Jaime Castro stressed that "no candidate has more than 20% of the voting intentions" and adds that when the elections are "a minimum difference is fundamental to advance to the second round. "
And that partnerships will play a lot to be in the coming days, especially after the congressional elections, which will be on March 14, when presidential candidates define the Conservative Party and the Green Party.
From other side, Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo, the PDA provides that "Uribe candidate will be conflicts between Uribe and who knows what may happen in sectors such as the Conservative Party. "
While Robledo Castro and do not give many options to the former mayor of Bogotá Peñalosa, Mockus and Garzon, who are part of the Party Green, Napoleon Franco believes that can not be dismissed that option.
"The presidential elections will be like a piñata or a raffle," insisted Castro.
Another big unknown is what role Uribe played in the campaign, despite the government announced that it will be impartial in the conflict.
Because despite the crushing defeat of the referendum in court, it is clear Uribe is still a first-rate political player in Colombia, after the governor for eight years. Bbc source
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