Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! Nico
at home, family and friends, laughter, toasts ... joy!
beautiful night, all together, enjoying ourselves smile!
Thanks Nicholas.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ad Templates Free Printable
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Pusooy Games Similar Games
're a big ... Dreaming of this moment
Friend ... That gives me joy to know that every time you step larger ... See in the videos ... Read post the things that people say ...
're a big, as the title ... Thank you for the strength you put ...
know I love you a lot, and I'm glad the soul every day with your progress ...
I'm in Spain, doing what you asked me, ENJOY!! Andate prepared because when we celebrated like crazy again!!
loves you! And I miss you! I have you always present !!!!!!! Do not ever forget that!!
Friend ... That gives me joy to know that every time you step larger ... See in the videos ... Read post the things that people say ...
're a big, as the title ... Thank you for the strength you put ...
know I love you a lot, and I'm glad the soul every day with your progress ...
I'm in Spain, doing what you asked me, ENJOY!! Andate prepared because when we celebrated like crazy again!!
loves you! And I miss you! I have you always present !!!!!!! Do not ever forget that!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Cervix Is Low And Hard
There are people so unhappy, that even
have body hair quantity,
floor in inches, the great sorrow;
the way up;
not look for me, the grinding of oblivion, seem
off the air, sighs mentally add, heard whipping
clear their palates!
They leave your skin, scratching the sarcophagus in
born and up to his death from hour to hour
and fall, along icy alphabet, to the ground. Oh
of so much! And from so little! Woe to them!
Oh in my room, hearing them with glasses! Oh
in my chest, when they buy costumes!
Oh my white dirt in your pool scum!
ears are Amadas sanchez,
beloved people feel, loved the unknown
and his wife, neighbor
sleeves, neck and eyes!
Beloved be the one that has bedbugs, which takes
torn shoe in the rain, sailing
which the body of a pan with two matches,
which takes a finger in a door, which does not have
birthday ,
he lost his shadow in a fire,
the animal, which looks like a parrot,
which looks like a man, the poor rich, pure
miserable, poor poor! Amado
which is
hungry or thirsty, but not
hunger with which to satisfy his thirst, and thirst
with which to satisfy all your hunger!
Beloved be the working day, a month, on time,
the sweating from pain or shame,
who goes, nOn the order of their hands, to the movies, which paid
what missing
who sleeps on his back,
it no longer remembers his childhood, loved the bald
is hatless
the just spineless
the thief without roses,
the leading watch and has seen God,
which is an honor and not die!
Beloved be the child who falls and still cries
and the man who has fallen and no longer cries! Oh
of so much! Oh so little! Woe to them!
Now that we're running out of classes, one of the last authors that we see is César Vallejo. And I always reread, back to Vallejo. His poetry, despite the time elapsed, it is vital and always moving. Whenever they say that Vallejo is the poet of pain, human suffering and death. True, but in part. There is also an impulse of love, life, rage to live (so to speak), and above all solidarity with the underdog, with humans and, in general.
Fitz between two stars
There are people so unhappy, that even
have body hair quantity,
floor in inches, the great sorrow;
the way up;
not look for me, the grinding of oblivion, seem
off the air, sighs mentally add, heard whipping
clear their palates!
They leave your skin, scratching the sarcophagus in
born and up to his death from hour to hour
and fall, along icy alphabet, to the ground. Oh
of so much! And from so little! Woe to them!
Oh in my room, hearing them with glasses! Oh
in my chest, when they buy costumes!
Oh my white dirt in your pool scum!
ears are Amadas sanchez,
beloved people feel, loved the unknown
and his wife, neighbor
sleeves, neck and eyes!
Beloved be the one that has bedbugs, which takes
torn shoe in the rain, sailing
which the body of a pan with two matches,
which takes a finger in a door, which does not have
birthday ,
he lost his shadow in a fire,
the animal, which looks like a parrot,
which looks like a man, the poor rich, pure
miserable, poor poor! Amado
which is
hungry or thirsty, but not
hunger with which to satisfy his thirst, and thirst
with which to satisfy all your hunger!
Beloved be the working day, a month, on time,
the sweating from pain or shame,
who goes, nOn the order of their hands, to the movies, which paid
what missing
who sleeps on his back,
it no longer remembers his childhood, loved the bald
is hatless
the just spineless
the thief without roses,
the leading watch and has seen God,
which is an honor and not die!
Beloved be the child who falls and still cries
and the man who has fallen and no longer cries! Oh
of so much! Oh so little! Woe to them!
Diagram And Labeled Viking Ship Parts
happened in Peru - José Carlos Mariategui - Block 1 / 5
UNI For boys, if you're interested, here's a very good documentary about Jose Carlos Mariategui, one of the most famous Peruvian twentieth century.
(You can see these parts on Youtube)
UNI For boys, if you're interested, here's a very good documentary about Jose Carlos Mariategui, one of the most famous Peruvian twentieth century.
(You can see these parts on Youtube)
Can I But A Wood Stove In My Basement
Charly García y Pedro Aznar - Passenger in trance
What nostalgia this week! ... so I listen to Charly García. Now that everything becomes trips, returns, drop ... round trips where I am and not at the same time. But Charly García sings me this excellent song ...
What nostalgia this week! ... so I listen to Charly García. Now that everything becomes trips, returns, drop ... round trips where I am and not at the same time. But Charly García sings me this excellent song ...
Monday, November 22, 2010
Emu Unterschied Bronte Stinger
dream of this moment, how many times I dreamed of this moment. I'm against re happy.
This morning when I went to get you, the lady at the reception to see you walk out into the car and was the most desired time for all who work in so difficult a place where dreams sometimes come true.
I love you son.
Breastfeeding To Husband Clips
The sextet pancho!
I do not understand very well, it's like Nico could sing with us!
Thanks Nico! Thanks Family!
I do not understand very well, it's like Nico could sing with us!
Thanks Nico! Thanks Family!
Sores Around My Infected Lip Piercing
haha \u200b\u200bAnd I love you, love you forever ... OUUU
And I love you, love you forever ...
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh eee Eeehh
Bongo, rhythm and happiness.
Thanks Nicky.
And I love you, love you forever ...
Ohhh ohhh ohhh ohhh eee Eeehh
Bongo, rhythm and happiness.
Thanks Nicky.
Pestel Analysis Salon
Monday, holiday, beautiful afternoon. Bongo, guitar, singing and attempting to English!
Nico Thanks for the laughs! Mario Thanks for making us laugh!
PS: Any resemblance to events or people of reality is pure coincidence! Haha
Monday, holiday, beautiful afternoon. Bongo, guitar, singing and attempting to English!
Nico Thanks for the laughs! Mario Thanks for making us laugh!
PS: Any resemblance to events or people of reality is pure coincidence! Haha
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What Is Baralgrin Used For
ja Besos by phone!
Ahhhh ... Mollo, and that voice!
On Sunday, we sing, and we put the cross of Maximiliano Guerra as you did last Sunday! I love you
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Cruising Spots Mobile, Al
Manuel González Prada - "Our Indians" (FIFTH SM)
In The struggle of the races, Luis Gumplowicz says Everything looks strong ethnic element essential to serve its purpose any element weak radio is in its power to penetrate it or d . First, the Conquistadores, then their descendants, formed in the countries of Latin ethnic element powerful enough to subjugate and exploit the Indians. Although tache of exaggerating claims of Las Casas, it is undeniable that thanks to the cruelty of greedy operators in some American towns the weak element is close to extinction. Ants domesticated aphids to milk them, do not imitate the unpredictability of white not destroy their productive animal.
Gumplowicz A formula should add a law that greatly influences our way of life: when an individual rises above the level of social class, usually becomes her worst enemy. During slavery black, there were no more ferocious caporales blacks themselves, now, there is perhaps as harsh oppressors of indigenous Hispanicized as the Indians themselves and invested with some authority.
The real tyrant of the mass, which makes use of Indians for robbing and oppressing others is the wee , included in this word both cholo saws or mestizo and the mulatto and mulatto from the coast. In Peru we see ethnic overcrowding, excluding Europe and the very short number of national targets or Creoles, the population is divided into two very unequal fractions for the amount, the wee or indigenous rulers and ruled. One to two hundred thousand individuals have overcome three million.
There is a offensive and defensive alliance, an exchange of services between the rulers of the provincial capital and, if the saw is gamonal political agent matron Lima, the great lady of Lima gamonal defends the saw when the Indians brutally abused. Few groups have committed so many sins and traits appear as black as the English and wee in Peru. Revolutions seem nothing to the greed of the wee ice to get the most of human flesh. Have cared very little pain and death of his fellows, when that pain and death has rendered them gain a few soles. They decimated the Indian with the divisions 3 and mitas 4 , it mattered to black to make him groan under the lash of the overseers, they ate Chinese, giving a handful of rice ten to fifteen hours of work, they extracted from their island to Kanak to let him die of nostalgia in the barns of the farms, they now seek to introduce Japanese and . The black seems to diminish, the Chinese are disappearing, the Kanak has not left its mark, the Japanese no signs be paid to the easement, but the Indian is because three or four hundred years have failed to exterminate cruelties the infamous becomes infatuated to live!
The Viceroys of Peru did not cease to condemn the abuses and saved measures to achieve conservation, proper treatment and relief of the Indians; the Kings of Spain, giving to commiseration of his nobles and Catholic souls seconded conceived humanitarian actions or those initiated by the Viceroys. Overran the good intentions in the royal decrees. Dont know if the laws pig form a pyramid as high as Chimborazo, but we know that evil still the same, although sometimes there was exemplary punishment. It could not happen otherwise: the official ordering the exploitation of the conquered and called humanity and justice the perpetrators of exploitation, it was intended that humanity is equally committed iniquities or consummation of injustice. To remove abuses, it was necessary to abolish the divisions and mitas, in short, change all the colonial regime. Without the labors of the American Indian, would have emptied the coffers of the English treasure. The flow sent from the colonies to the mother country were nothing but blood and tears converted gold.
The Republic continues the traditions of the viceroyalty. The President in his message calling for the redemption of the oppressed and called protectors of Indian race 5 , the Congress enact laws that leave the Declaration of the Rights of Man; ministers Government issued decrees, passed notes to appoint prefects and finding delegations, all with the noble aim of ensuring the guarantees of the disinherited class; but messages, laws, decrees, letters and delegations are reduced to hypocritical lamentations, words without echo, thumbed files. The authorities from Lima given orders to the departments, they know they will not be obeyed, the prefects who are the injunctions of the capital city also know that no harm will result from non-compliance.
Meanwhile, and as a rule, the rulers the Indian approach to deceive, oppress or corrupted. And we must remember that not only the national be mated with inhumanity or bad faith, when Europeans are rescuers wool miners or farmers, show good taskmasters and magnificent torsionarios, vying with former and current trustees landowners. The animal's white coat, born where born, lives with the disease of gold 6 : the end of the yield to the instinct of greed.
Under the Republic "suffers less from the Indian under English rule? If there are no townships or parcels, are forced labor and recruitment. What we do suffer enough to dump on us the hatred of human beings. Retain him in ignorance and bondage, vilified in the barracks, brutalized him with alcohol, I launched to destroy the civil wars and from time to time organize hunts and killings as Amantani, Key and Huanta h .
not written but there is the axiom that the Indian has no rights but obligations. In the case of him taking personal complaint for insubordination, the claim collective attempt at revolt. The English royalists killed the Indian when he tried to shake off the yoke of the conquerors, we will exterminate when national Republicans protest onerous contributions, or tired to stand in silence the iniquities of a satrap.
Our form of government is reduced to a big lie, because it deserves to be called democratic republic a state in which two or three million people live outside the law 7 . If the coast you can see a glimpse of securities under a semblance of a republic, the interior feels the violation of any rights under a real pattern feudal. Codes do not apply and there prevail justice courts because landlords and bosses arbitrate any matter arrogating roles of judges and executioners of judgments. The political authorities, far from supporting the weak and poor almost always help the rich and strong. There are regions where magistrates and governors belonging to the servitude of the plantation. What governor, how dare prefect prefect or what placed face to face with a farmer?
A farm is formed by the accumulation of small lots taken from their rightful owners an employer exercises over his workers the authority of a Norman baron. Not only influences the appointment of governors, mayors and justices of the peace, but makes marriages, designated heirs, distributes the inheritance, and for children to meet the debts of the father, subjected to a servitude which usually lasts a lifetime. Tremendous punishment imposed as corma, flogging, the stocks of campaign and death, laughable, like the shaved hair and cold water enemas. Who does not respect life or property would perform a miracle if he kept ruthlessly on the honor of women: all india, single or married, can serve to target brutal wishes sir. A kidnapping, rape and a rape does not mean much when you think that the Indian women's lives must have the strength. And yet, the Indian does not speak with the employer without kneeling and kissing his hand. Do not say that out of ignorance or lack of culture and the territorial lords come: the children of some landowners are children to Europe, was educated in France and England and returned to Peru with all the trappings of civilized people, but are confined only their estates, they lose the European paint and come with more inhumanity and violence than their parents, with his hat, poncho and snorers, beast reappears. In short, the estates are kingdoms in the heart of the Republic, the farmers engaged the role of autocrats in the midst of democracy.
Hack Cheats On Pokemon
José Carlos Mariategui - Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality (FIFTH UNI)
national education, therefore, has no national spirit: it is rather a colonial and colonizing spirit. When in public education programs the State refers to the Indians, does not refer to them as equal to all Peruvians others. Considers them as an inferior race. The Republic is no different in this area of \u200b\u200bthe viceroyalty.
Spain gave us, on the other hand, a sense aristocratic and ecclesiastical and literary concept of teaching. Within this concept, which closed the doors of the university to the mestizos, the culture was a privileged caste. The people had no right to education. Education was to train clergy and doctors.
Independence Revolution, powered by Jacobin ideology, was temporarily adopting egalitarian principles. But this verbal egalitarianism was not in sight, really, but the Creole. Knew the Indian. The Republic also born into poverty. I could not afford a comprehensive policy education.
The generous design of Condorcet was not counted among the thoughts borrowed by our liberals to the great Revolution. Practically remained, in this as in most things, the colonial mentality. Diminished the excitement of rhetoric and liberal sentiment, reappeared clearly the principle of privilege. The government of 1831, which declared free education, founded this measure did not act in "the notable decline of private fortunes which had reduced many parents to the bitter situation because they are unable to give their enlightened education children, undermining many young talent (2) . What concerned that government was not the need to put this level of education accessible to the people. It was, in his words, the urgency of solving a problem of families who had suffered detriment in his fortune.
Three influences occur in the process of instruction in the Republic: the influence or, rather, the English heritage, the French influence and U.S. influence. But only English in his time achieved complete mastery. The other two are inserted in the table mediocre English, without altering its fundamental too.
The history of public education in Peru is thus divided into three periods to indicate these three influences (1) . The boundaries of each period is not very accurate. But in Peru it is a flaw common to almost all phenomena almost everything. Even men are rarely seen a net shape, a categorical profile. Everything is always a little fuzzy, a little confusing.
In the process of instruction public, as in other aspects of our lives, we see the superposition of foreign elements combined insufficiently insufficiently acclimated. The problem lies in the roots of this son of the conquest Peru. We are not a nation that assimilates the ideas and men of other nations, imbued with his feeling and atmosphere, and in this way enriches without distorting, its national spirit. We are a people in the living, not merged yet, not yet understood, natives and conquerors. The Republic feels and even confesses solidarity with the viceroyalty. As the Viceroyalty, the Republic is the Peru of the colonizers, rather than the regnícolas. The feeling and the interest of the four-fifths of the population does not play almost no role in the formation of nationality and its institutions.
The history of public education in Peru is thus divided into three periods to indicate these three influences (1) . The boundaries of each period is not very accurate. But in Peru it is a flaw common to almost all phenomena almost everything. Even men are rarely seen a net shape, a categorical profile. Everything is always a little fuzzy, a little confusing.
In the process of instruction public, as in other aspects of our lives, we see the superposition of foreign elements combined insufficiently insufficiently acclimated. The problem lies in the roots of this son of the conquest Peru. We are not a nation that assimilates the ideas and men of other nations, imbued with his feeling and atmosphere, and in this way enriches without distorting, its national spirit. We are a people in the living, not merged yet, not yet understood, natives and conquerors. The Republic feels and even confesses solidarity with the viceroyalty. As the Viceroyalty, the Republic is the Peru of the colonizers, rather than the regnícolas. The feeling and the interest of the four-fifths of the population does not play almost no role in the formation of nationality and its institutions.
......................................... ........
national education, therefore, has no national spirit: it is rather a colonial and colonizing spirit. When in public education programs the State refers to the Indians, does not refer to them as equal to all Peruvians others. Considers them as an inferior race. The Republic is no different in this area of \u200b\u200bthe viceroyalty.
Spain gave us, on the other hand, a sense aristocratic and ecclesiastical and literary concept of teaching. Within this concept, which closed the doors of the university to the mestizos, the culture was a privileged caste. The people had no right to education. Education was to train clergy and doctors.
Independence Revolution, powered by Jacobin ideology, was temporarily adopting egalitarian principles. But this verbal egalitarianism was not in sight, really, but the Creole. Knew the Indian. The Republic also born into poverty. I could not afford a comprehensive policy education.
The generous design of Condorcet was not counted among the thoughts borrowed by our liberals to the great Revolution. Practically remained, in this as in most things, the colonial mentality. Diminished the excitement of rhetoric and liberal sentiment, reappeared clearly the principle of privilege. The government of 1831, which declared free education, founded this measure did not act in "the notable decline of private fortunes which had reduced many parents to the bitter situation because they are unable to give their enlightened education children, undermining many young talent (2) . What concerned that government was not the need to put this level of education accessible to the people. It was, in his words, the urgency of solving a problem of families who had suffered detriment in his fortune.
.................................... ......................
The persistence of literary and rhetorical orientation is manifested with the same emphasis. Felipe Barreda y Laos says as typical foundations of the first decades of the Republic: the Trinity College of Huancayo, the School Philosophy and Latinity Huamachuco and Chairs of Philosophy, Theology and Jurisprudence dogmatic College of Moquegua (3) .
In the cult of the liberal arts were often confused, the old landed aristocracy and the young urban bourgeoisie. Both sides were pleased to conceive of universities and colleges as a factory of men of letters and law. Liberals disliked less conservative rhetoric. Who claims there was no practical guidance aimed at encouraging work, to push young people into trade and industry (there was even less who claims a democratic orientation, intended to cross the access to culture for all individuals).
English heritage was not exclusively a psychological and intellectual heritage. It was above all an economic and social heritage. The privilege of education persisted for the simple reason that it remained the privilege of wealth and caste. The aristocratic and literary concept of education was for quite a feudal regime and economy. The revolution of independence had not settled in Peru this regime and this economy (4) . I could not, therefore, have canceled their ideas peculiar about teaching.
In the cult of the liberal arts were often confused, the old landed aristocracy and the young urban bourgeoisie. Both sides were pleased to conceive of universities and colleges as a factory of men of letters and law. Liberals disliked less conservative rhetoric. Who claims there was no practical guidance aimed at encouraging work, to push young people into trade and industry (there was even less who claims a democratic orientation, intended to cross the access to culture for all individuals).
English heritage was not exclusively a psychological and intellectual heritage. It was above all an economic and social heritage. The privilege of education persisted for the simple reason that it remained the privilege of wealth and caste. The aristocratic and literary concept of education was for quite a feudal regime and economy. The revolution of independence had not settled in Peru this regime and this economy (4) . I could not, therefore, have canceled their ideas peculiar about teaching.
............................................ .......................
state social responsibility reported by Dr. Villarán in academic discourse of 1900, it is therefore mainly to the English heritage. Dr. Villar admitted in his thesis, although civilian affiliation not consented excessive mental independence against a class, as represented by his party, which so clearly descended from the Viceroyalty, and feels the heir of his privileges. "America," wrote Dr. Villar was not working colony but exploitation and settlement. English settlers came to seek easy riches, and made, discovered, obtained without the double penalty of working and saving, the wealth that is desired by the adventurous, the noble, the soldier, by the sovereign. And finally, why work if it was not necessary? Were not there the Indians? Were not many, gentle, diligent, sober, accustomed to the land and climate? However, the Indian servant was the idle rich and wasteful. But worst of all was that a strong association of ideas was established between labor and servitude, because in fact there was no employee who was not a servant. An instinct, a natural reluctance stained all peaceful work and it was thought that work was bad and dishonorable. This instinct has been inherited from our ancestors as organic heritage. We, therefore, by race and birth, disdain for work, love for the acquisition of money without own effort, the love of idleness pleasant, the taste of the holidays and the tendency to waste "
Monday, November 15, 2010
Wax Eyebrows After Tanning
Mining in Colombia (video banned from TV)
A video about mining activities in Colombia. In our country the reality is no better ...
A video about mining activities in Colombia. In our country the reality is no better ...
Friday, November 5, 2010
How Long Should I Use Duraphat Toothpaste?
No words .. YO!
This I wrote last week on your facebook ...
"I do not as no where else to say I love you with all my heart and I can not believe all the strength that you have fat!
I know you do a lot but we know we started to love in a very sad time of yours, where you will find unconditional support and comfort in my crap and thousands of smiles! :)...!
Today I offer you, I beg you to re-elect me to support you and go forward again!
There is NOTHING that can not overcome TOGETHER! Aunq
hit me, you mad at me, smile at me, hold me, aunq ANY good or bad thing you know I'm going to follow!
quieroooo you!
And I want to sing! :) "
And not writing today you said my name!
you were so happy, you laughed a lot, posaste for photos ...
you upload the pictures that you got me and you a while ago Romi ahead!!
This I wrote last week on your facebook ...
"I do not as no where else to say I love you with all my heart and I can not believe all the strength that you have fat!
I know you do a lot but we know we started to love in a very sad time of yours, where you will find unconditional support and comfort in my crap and thousands of smiles! :)...!
Today I offer you, I beg you to re-elect me to support you and go forward again!
There is NOTHING that can not overcome TOGETHER! Aunq
hit me, you mad at me, smile at me, hold me, aunq ANY good or bad thing you know I'm going to follow!
quieroooo you!
And I want to sing! :) "
And not writing today you said my name!
you were so happy, you laughed a lot, posaste for photos ...
you upload the pictures that you got me and you a while ago Romi ahead!!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Get License Number From Quickbooks
Domingo, singing and guitar
Today, Sunday. Nicholas at home. Singing and then playing the guitar! Beautiful!
Thanks Nico!
Today, Sunday. Nicholas at home. Singing and then playing the guitar! Beautiful!
Thanks Nico!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
All In One Skeliton Pajamas
Music Videos and singing and more singing!
Nicholas sang today at the gym! here I stop the song you chose ... Looking for a symbol of peace!
it because we want to feel good now we're dancing
between people
be because we want to feel good now all we
sounds different! Wordless
Nicholas sang today at the gym! here I stop the song you chose ... Looking for a symbol of peace!
it because we want to feel good now we're dancing
between people
be because we want to feel good now all we
sounds different! Wordless
Monday, October 25, 2010
Rogaine Improves Circulation

- On Education
The problem of "nationalizing" a people requires, above all and mainly consists of the problem of creating healthy social conditions, be based on the grounds that the possibility of educating the individual. Because only after a man has come, thanks to education and school, to know the greatness cultural, economic and especially political greatness of his country, you can feel that intimate pride that flows from having the honor belong to such a nation, and feel it. I can only fight for what I love, love is what I respect, and at best, to respect what I know.
(p. 16)
[...] A large number of the weaknesses of education consisted of a unilateral approach intended simply to provide education, set in the which hardly took into account the formation of practically trained individuals. Even less importance given to character education, very little to stimulate the pleasure of responsibility and absolutely no cultivation of willpower and determination. the result of all this certainly resulted in the formation of the strong man, but on the contrary, in the gentle teacher, who possesses much knowledge.
(p. 125)
One consequence of misguided fear of Education was charged with responsibilities, and the consequent inability to handle the problems of life.
(p. 126). All education
should be designed so that a boy's free time to devote to an exercise of his body healthy. A raptor is not entitled, during the years in which it is, to wander idly through the streets, causing riots in them and smearing the front of the houses, over his daily task should be devoted to tan her young body so that life is not weak and unprepared surprise you when you need to fight for it.
The role of educating the youth is to promote the existence of this state of affairs and bring the matter to the practice and should not be limited to injecting it called knowledge. This kind of education needed to get rid of the idea that the way the body of each is a business reserved exclusively to individuals, no one should have the right to sin at the expense of posterity, namely, race.
The struggle against the poisoning of the soul must be undertaken jointly with the struggle for education of the body. Today, our whole life in public is a way of nursery-ranging ideas and sexual attractions. Note the "menu" that provide the public cinemas, theaters and variety halls and dígasenos if that is a proper moral power, especially for youth.
advertising and advertisers kiosks also contribute to this relaxation attracting public attention in the most vulgar forms.
anyone who has not lost the ability to penetrate the soul of young people will understand that such things can not but cause grave harm them.
life of the people must be freed from the asphyxiating perfume of our modern eroticism, like the effeminate and prudish tendency to not face reality. in all these things, the purposes and methods should be governed by the thought that seeks to preserve our national health and body and soul. The inherent right to individual freedom must be subordinated to the duty to defend the race.
(p. 129 to 130 -131)
- About religion:
If faith and religious doctrine actually have some influence over the popular crowd, the absolute authority of this faith is, therefore, the whole basis of their effectiveness. [...]
a politician must calculate the value of a religion not so much in relation to its inherent defects, but in relation to the benefits of a substitute that can be clearly better. but until the moment not to appear that substitute well, only fools and criminals could devote to the task of destroying what already exists.
(p., 133)
- The race
community requires common nationality. (P. 9)
I was convinced that [...] the destruction of Austria was a prerequisite for the security of the German race. (P. 12)
- On social policy:
do not know what is more distressing: no repair on social needs, as do most blessed and those that have risen thanks to own efforts, or impolitic arrogant and intrusive, but always kindly, condescension of certain aristocratic ladies supporters passing through the village. (P. 14) Such understandings
refuse to understand that social work, above all, look no gratitude, since it is not here to distribute favors but to restore rights. (P. 15)
then I noticed that the only able to improve things was to use a dual approach: first, a deep sense of social responsibility in order to create better foundations for our development, and the other a ruthless determination to destroy all those cords that could not be remedied. (P. 15)
I can not say what amazed me most at that time, if the economic misery of our fellow workers, their moral crudity or low level of spiritual existence. (P. 15)
- The teaching and instruction
The psyche of the masses is not sensitive to anything that has the flavor of weakness or reacts with warm cloths.
[...] [...] as a woman prefers to dominate the cowardly surrender their will to the strong man, the people prefer the ruler to the suppliant and intimate feel more satisfied with the doctrines that do not tolerate rivals [... ] (p. 17)
was the fact that social democracy will take charge of the immense importance of the trade union movement which gave it the necessary instrument to ensure its success. (P. 19)
If the deal is anti-social or unworthy of men causes resistance, while the legitimate judicial authorities were prepared to suppress the evil, this fight can only be decided in favor of the more powerful side. (P. 20)
Because in politics, the use of economic pressure always leads to extortion, since one side is sufficiently unscrupulous and the opposite has a significant enough dose of patience and pusillanimity stupid. (P. 21)
- About the Jews:
understanding of the Jews is the only key to intercept their internal purposes, and therefore real, the Social Democracy. Page 22
could no longer continue to doubt that it was here in Germany of a different religion, but of a nation separately. (P. 27)
And finally, I realized that was the Jews who were in charge of the Social Democracy, the scales fell from my eyes. My long mental struggle was over. (P. 29)
Only then I came to understand the corrupter of our nation. (P. 30)
of weak global citizen, I became a fanatic anti-Zionist. Page 32
If the Jewish conquest, with the help of Marxism, the nations of this world, his crown would be the funeral wreath of mankind .... to fight the Jews I meet the Lord's work (p. 33)
Earth was not created for breeds cowards (p. 51)
The political parties should have nothing to do with religious problems as they do not undermine the morale of the race, in the same way that religion should not mix in political intrigue.
Smell Her Feet Tights
blablablabla! Happy day
How wonderful you are, that immense joy in my heart! know that you are able to express the spoken word you want, overcome obstacles, advance, charlassssssssss! Sing and your eyes. I love you
How wonderful you are, that immense joy in my heart! know that you are able to express the spoken word you want, overcome obstacles, advance, charlassssssssss! Sing and your eyes. I love you
Monday, October 18, 2010
Zombies Slingshot Pc Game
if any!
Yesterday was a very exciting day, Nico was in his home and family. At one point asked, becoming understanding, writing and also weeping, he wanted to go buy a present for Lucy ... managed to tell Denis to fetch his money to his room, returning to the clinic Ulme, stopped at a local av. Council and helped down, support, and chose a shirt among many, and left, bag slung over neck with the gift!
Sometimes we do not know where you can and as far as not, what is the right spot ... whim the way becomes a necessity that shows us his desire to move forward.
Nico Bravo, bravo Lucy!
You keep surprising us! Lilian
Yesterday was a very exciting day, Nico was in his home and family. At one point asked, becoming understanding, writing and also weeping, he wanted to go buy a present for Lucy ... managed to tell Denis to fetch his money to his room, returning to the clinic Ulme, stopped at a local av. Council and helped down, support, and chose a shirt among many, and left, bag slung over neck with the gift!
Sometimes we do not know where you can and as far as not, what is the right spot ... whim the way becomes a necessity that shows us his desire to move forward.
Nico Bravo, bravo Lucy!
You keep surprising us! Lilian
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Zebra Print Skirt Hannah Montana
Monday, September 13, 2010
Software Pinnacle Pctv150e
MY FIGHT THE ETNOSOCIALISTA totalitarian revolution Carlos Raigada
excellent book to satisfy the deepest thoughts of the last idealistic nationalist socialist era. FOREWORD
Perhaps the only certainty we hold those we have inherited from the defeated heretics, of the Damned ... is we are at war. "Father of all," the "war" is, so to speak, the natural order, the necessary stage of evolution of this universe, from galaxies to microorganisms. And war is what, under all sorts of veiled masks, developed throughout the life of the man inside. But if the tension (a kind of war "low profile") between the various social bodies is a necessary tool for bringing together the whole human society, war is the natural state among different human communities, articulated in any structure, act as "political subjects." Forgetting this is simply to start the path of inevitable defeat. And this is the plight of Europe. Carlos Raigada
also has this certainty. This book, in fact all the works he has written, is clear proof of this. And, although probably not to renege on the classification of 'heir defeated and cursed heretics "would agree with the editor of these pages tata heresies and cursed a little strange. In fact, you can not avoid a slight smile to keep track of their thoughts and note once again that the "heretics" were confined and limited to looking at reality with a clear view, to understand things as are as accurate and decisive judgments on this miserable world born of defeat. And the first thing seen when viewed directly, without the distorting mirrors the system provides continuous, is precisely that we are at war. And we are losing ...
in the logic of confrontation, Raigada book is not only an instrument of resistance, but something not too common: an instrument of attack. And like any weapon you want to be effective, the book is set in a particular "weakness" in truth in a policy area in which the system has done much harm, revolving around something absolutely necessary, namely aggiornamento of the idea, the myth of blood and soil. Impregnated by a fertile idea mobilizing myth. A myth idea appears again and again where Indo-European strains have been established and have created a higher order. From prehistory to the twentieth century. And maybe it would not be exaggeration to say that one of the axes that have given meaning to the history of the West in recent centuries is the progressive disengagement of the European societies of the communion of the living, the link between blood and soil, a process which, incidentally, and ultimately, was also a direct result of a "war." In this regard, we dare say that totalitarian revolution is a book arqueofuturista etnosocialista. A substantial part of the work is a reflection, a rethinking, a recast, principles and ideas that have accompanied the European man for millennia from the perspective of the current economic reality. Plan and propose a "new and yet archaic" man's relationship with the land and the production as a basis for re-building of a tightly anchored in the laws of life. An effective weapon that should find the grasp hands (and minds that develop as the author request).
Something about what affects Raigada rightly: "But take, by force, false System virtual wealth, would be inoperative until the order overturned everything" values \u200b\u200b"set by the System (...) The misery, degradation , poor health and ignorance are our main source stupidity and apathy, of not working on ourselves, with little or no value, except to cause them to attack the scornful laughter ... System. "
Addressing another of the perspectives of the work should be recalled something in biology is well known, namely that the parasite affects the host's life, always seeking their own benefit. Following in the footsteps of Oswald Spengler and applying this logic Francis Parker Yockey wrote biological bright pages parasitic action on European Culture. Thus, Europe was embarking on a process of alienation from itself and reality caused by the parasitic action.
But, despite the focus on certain aspects of the problem of war, never loses the right perspective, the real perspective, the total perspective, "Hence the necessary revolution is not only totalitarian and affect it required the total of us, but also need to be applied practically to all full-and-of issues imaginable. " The bricks are needed to build the house, but we must never forget that the goal is to complete the building. Today more than ever, politics and life are interchangeable concepts to humans. The political theories, philosophical, historical, sociological or economic are nothing, the smoke of the "Bonfire of the Vanities', if not useful for constructing reality, if not make the bricks with which to build the walls of our future. In this work we have only a "weapon" that could not be otherwise, is systematically rolled by our educational systems. It is the will, because only "where there is a will there's a way" and to wait for rescuers or miracles is the stuff of other human who is deeply alien to us, as the author himself reminds us: "The" miracles "that need not fall from Heaven ... emerge from our genetic base, eónica ancestral voice, which is always the ultimate miracle. INDEX
8. Money Matters
17. AS impoverishes
23. He knows the truth empowers us
Selfishness 29.

excellent book to satisfy the deepest thoughts of the last idealistic nationalist socialist era. FOREWORD
Perhaps the only certainty we hold those we have inherited from the defeated heretics, of the Damned ... is we are at war. "Father of all," the "war" is, so to speak, the natural order, the necessary stage of evolution of this universe, from galaxies to microorganisms. And war is what, under all sorts of veiled masks, developed throughout the life of the man inside. But if the tension (a kind of war "low profile") between the various social bodies is a necessary tool for bringing together the whole human society, war is the natural state among different human communities, articulated in any structure, act as "political subjects." Forgetting this is simply to start the path of inevitable defeat. And this is the plight of Europe. Carlos Raigada
also has this certainty. This book, in fact all the works he has written, is clear proof of this. And, although probably not to renege on the classification of 'heir defeated and cursed heretics "would agree with the editor of these pages tata heresies and cursed a little strange. In fact, you can not avoid a slight smile to keep track of their thoughts and note once again that the "heretics" were confined and limited to looking at reality with a clear view, to understand things as are as accurate and decisive judgments on this miserable world born of defeat. And the first thing seen when viewed directly, without the distorting mirrors the system provides continuous, is precisely that we are at war. And we are losing ...
in the logic of confrontation, Raigada book is not only an instrument of resistance, but something not too common: an instrument of attack. And like any weapon you want to be effective, the book is set in a particular "weakness" in truth in a policy area in which the system has done much harm, revolving around something absolutely necessary, namely aggiornamento of the idea, the myth of blood and soil. Impregnated by a fertile idea mobilizing myth. A myth idea appears again and again where Indo-European strains have been established and have created a higher order. From prehistory to the twentieth century. And maybe it would not be exaggeration to say that one of the axes that have given meaning to the history of the West in recent centuries is the progressive disengagement of the European societies of the communion of the living, the link between blood and soil, a process which, incidentally, and ultimately, was also a direct result of a "war." In this regard, we dare say that totalitarian revolution is a book arqueofuturista etnosocialista. A substantial part of the work is a reflection, a rethinking, a recast, principles and ideas that have accompanied the European man for millennia from the perspective of the current economic reality. Plan and propose a "new and yet archaic" man's relationship with the land and the production as a basis for re-building of a tightly anchored in the laws of life. An effective weapon that should find the grasp hands (and minds that develop as the author request).
Something about what affects Raigada rightly: "But take, by force, false System virtual wealth, would be inoperative until the order overturned everything" values \u200b\u200b"set by the System (...) The misery, degradation , poor health and ignorance are our main source stupidity and apathy, of not working on ourselves, with little or no value, except to cause them to attack the scornful laughter ... System. "
Addressing another of the perspectives of the work should be recalled something in biology is well known, namely that the parasite affects the host's life, always seeking their own benefit. Following in the footsteps of Oswald Spengler and applying this logic Francis Parker Yockey wrote biological bright pages parasitic action on European Culture. Thus, Europe was embarking on a process of alienation from itself and reality caused by the parasitic action.
But, despite the focus on certain aspects of the problem of war, never loses the right perspective, the real perspective, the total perspective, "Hence the necessary revolution is not only totalitarian and affect it required the total of us, but also need to be applied practically to all full-and-of issues imaginable. " The bricks are needed to build the house, but we must never forget that the goal is to complete the building. Today more than ever, politics and life are interchangeable concepts to humans. The political theories, philosophical, historical, sociological or economic are nothing, the smoke of the "Bonfire of the Vanities', if not useful for constructing reality, if not make the bricks with which to build the walls of our future. In this work we have only a "weapon" that could not be otherwise, is systematically rolled by our educational systems. It is the will, because only "where there is a will there's a way" and to wait for rescuers or miracles is the stuff of other human who is deeply alien to us, as the author himself reminds us: "The" miracles "that need not fall from Heaven ... emerge from our genetic base, eónica ancestral voice, which is always the ultimate miracle. INDEX
8. Money Matters
17. AS impoverishes
23. He knows the truth empowers us
Selfishness 29.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Females Geting Nipples Pierced

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
How Do I Make My Hair Look Messy But Still Nice
THE HYPOCRISY of the Zionist Jews
alt = "" id = "BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5477892868573378066" />
Iran today accused Israel of planning a "massive attack" against the Gaza Strip, and warned that by putting such offensive would unleash "a storm of anger in the region that will sweep the Jewish state." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to make that statement, adding that his country has "specific information" about the plan by Israel.
"We have precise information that they (the Israelis) have planned a massive attack on Gaza to compensate for their failures the past, "said Ahmadinejad in a speech broadcast on state television. On Monday, an Israeli military attack against a fleet of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, killing at least 19 people while another 480 were arrested .
"I warn. If this time they commit a crime against Gaza, provoked a storm of anger in the sweep region, "threatened the president.
Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that" the Israeli attack was conducted against the conscience of the against humanity and philosophy at the United Nations base.
The diplomatic crisis is served. Turkey has warned Israel of 'irreversible consequences' in bilateral relations after the Israeli attack on the fleet of pro-Palestinian humanitarian aid, as announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Both Turkey and Greece have called on their ambassadors demanding "immediate information" about the events that have jeopardized the safety of its citizens. Spain has also called Israel's ambassador in Spain, Rafael Schutz, to demand an explanation for the "unacceptable" and "very serious" events with 'Liberty Fleet. "
Syria has reacted also asked the Arab League to convene an urgent meeting after the Israeli assault. Syria is the first Arab country to officially reacted to the assault.
Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has declared three days of mourning in the Palestinian territories by the Israeli assault ships carrying humanitarian aid.
"What Israel has committed against the activists of the" Freedom Flotilla "is a slaughter," Abbas said in a statement issued by the Palestinian official news agency "Wafa '.
His spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeina, called the action a "crime against humanity", as "activists who were armed and trying to break the blockade on Gaza by providing aid were attacked." "The Israeli aggression have dangerous consequences in the region and the world, "said Abu Rudeina. The Islamist movement Hamas also called on Arabs and Muslims to demonstrate in front of the embassies of Israel.
Consulate Protests against
So far, about hundred protestors have tried to take the Israel Consulate in Istanbul, causing multiple damage. Police had to use force to suppress the demonstrators, who have thrown stones at diplomatic offices and burned flags of Israel.
Similarly, a dozen of people have gathered outside the house of the ambassador, Gabriel Levy, in Ankara. The riots have occurred at some unknown the assault on international waters "Freedom Flotilla," a group of six vessels carrying more than 750 people with humanitarian aid to Gaza. In fact, Israel has asked tourists to leave Turkey for fear of reprisals.
After the attack the Israeli army, the Turkish authorities tried to contact the delegation of the main ship 'Mavi Marmara', although so far not been able to establish communication.
Turkish President Abdullah Gul, has held an emergency meeting the Israeli ambassador, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed its "strong protest" and has described the events as "unacceptable." "Israel has to face the consequences of this behavior, "the ministry said in a statement.
" We strongly condemn these inhuman practices of Israel. This deplorable incident, which took place in the sea and constitutes a clear violation of international law, can lead to irreparable consequences in our bilateral relations, "it added.
" Whatever the reason, such an action against civilians involved only peaceful actions is unacceptable. Israel must bear the consequences of this attitude, which constitutes a violation of international law ", he explained the Ministry.
Turkish television showed live Images of assault and are already talking about a diplomatic crisis. The convoy was coordinated by the organization Humanitarian Aid Foundation (IHH), Islamic character. A total of six ships carrying more than 10 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
HHI members had previously considered the possibility of an Israeli attack: "We have passengers who are 1 to 80. If Israel want to risk these people to do so. We resist passively. We have no a knife, but even so the soldiers would not take the boat, "said the president of this organization Bülent Yildirim.
The EU has called for a "thorough investigation" Israeli authorities about the circumstances of the attack on humanitarian fleet, as indicated by a spokesman for EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton. EXTRACTED FROM MUNDO.ES

Iran today accused Israel of planning a "massive attack" against the Gaza Strip, and warned that by putting such offensive would unleash "a storm of anger in the region that will sweep the Jewish state." Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to make that statement, adding that his country has "specific information" about the plan by Israel.
"We have precise information that they (the Israelis) have planned a massive attack on Gaza to compensate for their failures the past, "said Ahmadinejad in a speech broadcast on state television. On Monday, an Israeli military attack against a fleet of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, killing at least 19 people while another 480 were arrested .
"I warn. If this time they commit a crime against Gaza, provoked a storm of anger in the sweep region, "threatened the president.
Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that" the Israeli attack was conducted against the conscience of the against humanity and philosophy at the United Nations base.
The diplomatic crisis is served. Turkey has warned Israel of 'irreversible consequences' in bilateral relations after the Israeli attack on the fleet of pro-Palestinian humanitarian aid, as announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Both Turkey and Greece have called on their ambassadors demanding "immediate information" about the events that have jeopardized the safety of its citizens. Spain has also called Israel's ambassador in Spain, Rafael Schutz, to demand an explanation for the "unacceptable" and "very serious" events with 'Liberty Fleet. "
Syria has reacted also asked the Arab League to convene an urgent meeting after the Israeli assault. Syria is the first Arab country to officially reacted to the assault.
Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has declared three days of mourning in the Palestinian territories by the Israeli assault ships carrying humanitarian aid.
"What Israel has committed against the activists of the" Freedom Flotilla "is a slaughter," Abbas said in a statement issued by the Palestinian official news agency "Wafa '.
His spokesman, Nabil Abu Rudeina, called the action a "crime against humanity", as "activists who were armed and trying to break the blockade on Gaza by providing aid were attacked." "The Israeli aggression have dangerous consequences in the region and the world, "said Abu Rudeina. The Islamist movement Hamas also called on Arabs and Muslims to demonstrate in front of the embassies of Israel.
Consulate Protests against
So far, about hundred protestors have tried to take the Israel Consulate in Istanbul, causing multiple damage. Police had to use force to suppress the demonstrators, who have thrown stones at diplomatic offices and burned flags of Israel.
Similarly, a dozen of people have gathered outside the house of the ambassador, Gabriel Levy, in Ankara. The riots have occurred at some unknown the assault on international waters "Freedom Flotilla," a group of six vessels carrying more than 750 people with humanitarian aid to Gaza. In fact, Israel has asked tourists to leave Turkey for fear of reprisals.
After the attack the Israeli army, the Turkish authorities tried to contact the delegation of the main ship 'Mavi Marmara', although so far not been able to establish communication.
Turkish President Abdullah Gul, has held an emergency meeting the Israeli ambassador, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has expressed its "strong protest" and has described the events as "unacceptable." "Israel has to face the consequences of this behavior, "the ministry said in a statement.
" We strongly condemn these inhuman practices of Israel. This deplorable incident, which took place in the sea and constitutes a clear violation of international law, can lead to irreparable consequences in our bilateral relations, "it added.
" Whatever the reason, such an action against civilians involved only peaceful actions is unacceptable. Israel must bear the consequences of this attitude, which constitutes a violation of international law ", he explained the Ministry.
Turkish television showed live Images of assault and are already talking about a diplomatic crisis. The convoy was coordinated by the organization Humanitarian Aid Foundation (IHH), Islamic character. A total of six ships carrying more than 10 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza.
HHI members had previously considered the possibility of an Israeli attack: "We have passengers who are 1 to 80. If Israel want to risk these people to do so. We resist passively. We have no a knife, but even so the soldiers would not take the boat, "said the president of this organization Bülent Yildirim.
The EU has called for a "thorough investigation" Israeli authorities about the circumstances of the attack on humanitarian fleet, as indicated by a spokesman for EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton. EXTRACTED FROM MUNDO.ES
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Anniversary Program Template
And is that 20 years do not go in vain, or so I thought. Exactly 20 years ago marched through Madrid to honor the 100 anniversary, and the vast majority of English cities would wake up full of signs of that anniversary. Possibly the most beautiful poster that best represented the NS ideology.
This April 20 and did not get to meet three comrades of the 'old guard' (the of 40) to celebrate his name day, everyone had something to do. Nothing, not to make a damn beer. I saw a poster or a sticker on one of the cities where we had more street presence. I knew I did not receive or special editions of magazines, fanzines and other publications that would reflect that date and what it means. Did not even see anything special Web page for Excellence, New Order, just some pictures. I did not receive even a damn email or sms.
Perhaps the fact of being removed from militant activity means to be dead ... but this does not affect the rest. In what should have appeared outside. And what is that 20 years is too many, it seems.
Such glorious day I dedicate to reread his teachings. And to put in the little sanctuary that I own, three candles, one red, one white and one black, illuminating his portrait in memory of his example. Someone even watched it. As Gani, the fire kept the flame without which the world would disappear. I imagine others as I proceeded to perform this sacred ritual in other parts of the world, and so keep the flame.
few years ago at 99, I met a venerable white-bearded gentleman who came on pilgrimage to maintain the flame. And from that we go to the Sacred Valley at night to confirm our oath. Renewed oath as he had done many years ago, and still keep it.
Greatest Man SXX history and possibly the most reviled, slandered, harassed and cursed, the more enlightened view of what is coming upon us, has been ostracized from their 'comrades', or so appears.
I do not think 'comrade', because I am a believer. Now the word comrade is perverted and rotten almost mystical meaning we gave him. Now a comrade is another matter.
According to Comrade RAE definition is:
1. Accompanying person over and eats and lives with ella.2. com. Person walking in company with others, being friendship and confianza.3. com. In certain political parties and trade unions, colleague or partner.
In other definitions, but we see the same combination. During the Great War more if it was coined this concept as "trench mate and fight." Step appointed during the 30 to those of the old guard of the revolutionary movements and then to party colleagues in a more general.
Today, especially in the political environment I come from, comrade is either. He who comes to a conference, you buy a shirt or a book, which takes our symbols, which say they think like us, who goes to football to beat others, who are drug Skrewdriver T-shirts, that rob, stab or trafficked, but likes the chaperio (plate and badges), who goes to meetings and then to speak with intelligence services, which not pay a fee but it takes tattoos, which appears disguised as a Nazi with a multitude of flags, which do not paste a poster or a sticker but said be to be part of the group, which does not give a penny for anything, ie all those who want.
I have always believed that English or Castilian is one of the most versatile languages \u200b\u200bin the world. It has many definitions and nuances that are mild to classify, so sympathetic, colleague, buddy, colleague, friend, classmate, brother, partner and anyone else are synonymous comrade. But for some of us meant fellow comrade ideology, hardship, struggle, work, beliefs and fate. All this together and never separately. Today
when someone new comes to an event, meeting or whatever, I have 'pepito is Comrade. " Personally fight much in the past for trying to make distinctions, never bound, and even come to be frowned upon for trying to do a bit of aristocracy. Today
a comrade is a nobody. And the word apart from being outdated, it invalidated the meaning that once learned some. Thus we should redefine the term and move to call believers. First, because not everyone who says Comrade think or believe. Second, because only believers profess the true faith.
So looking at the picture of my head, I see you walk the same places: "The first comrade." Although there is almost comrades.
may be other strategies of the 'leaders' of today, but the need for remembrance and to show it, even if anonymously, so that society could see that his memory is not dead. Perhaps a hint of romance that I still have, and the best thing is that the 'enemy of the World' belief that it has completely died.
Reading the last of the greats, he left for Valhalla scarcely two months ago, D. Miguel Serrano, I better understand his words when I read many years ago. I understand the real meaning more and more gold lace, In tempore thread that comes with it to us. The meaning of the Avatar as he calls it. For well over human, statesman, that was what it was and what came to tell us.
Nobody comes to me talking about strange things. Of paranoia and misinterpretation of what D. Miguel wanted to say with his flowery language and full of mythical references. As the archetype he represents him, is indefinable and beyond logical structures of thought. Is the message of the extinction of our blood, the drops that the gods gave us his essence, to fight evil in this world to what I believe, that is the faith that we profess, regardless of the continent to take her to us, as in the NS and our boss.
And this message has not reached our 'comrades', it is this which makes us believers. Not because I 'UFOs' in the constellation Vega with 'eXvasticas' waiting, or the like antics. We are believers because he brought us back to the true faith. The rustling the oaks and ash when they are rocked in the wind. The gurgling in the streams that flood the countryside. The rocks cry Faith Evergreen Europe.
biggest mistake was not in the postwar de-link our worldview. Divide the political and spiritual. Take the enemy's beliefs and worship demons come from the sands forgetting the message of our ancient gods. Therefore
April 20 is more than a date. It's just a reminder. The date on which the Avatar, the living representation of the memory of the blood, incarnate among men to remind us of our fate.
We are alone. There is not one of the greats. The best blood of Europe came to Valhalla and with them his example. The last one left for months and therefore I tremble in fear to see that the examples disappear. Fear because we who will be older and have not achieved anything more than fatuous fires constantly dissipating.
My loyalty is with him because I think. I believe in his message. I believe in your worldview. I think the archetypes of the gods show us the path. I think it is a spiritual war so great that happens on the political concepts that we can give. I believe in the golden thread that unites us. I believe that every drop of resistance is a sea of \u200b\u200befforts in this Demiurge.
I think now more than ever we must be faithful. With your feet on the ground. Connected with reality. Prepared intellectually, physically and mentally. With a family feel closer
have to be willing to give political projects and collaborate on real and serious, honest and ethical as they can remember the message among the society. Taradeces aside, paranoia, and 'purist'. The message is paramount. The content must reach the continent is secondary.
Defeat the ego that handles our destiny to work with the demiurge. Join forces with logic, patience, intelligence and coldly. Romance and the Romantics are for prayer books. You have to be heroes and it usually makes it necessary to victory, must prevail over the individual.
I think. Do you believe? Pepito
Cricket Magazine Article extracted from EVERYTHING.

And is that 20 years do not go in vain, or so I thought. Exactly 20 years ago marched through Madrid to honor the 100 anniversary, and the vast majority of English cities would wake up full of signs of that anniversary. Possibly the most beautiful poster that best represented the NS ideology.
This April 20 and did not get to meet three comrades of the 'old guard' (the of 40) to celebrate his name day, everyone had something to do. Nothing, not to make a damn beer. I saw a poster or a sticker on one of the cities where we had more street presence. I knew I did not receive or special editions of magazines, fanzines and other publications that would reflect that date and what it means. Did not even see anything special Web page for Excellence, New Order, just some pictures. I did not receive even a damn email or sms.
Perhaps the fact of being removed from militant activity means to be dead ... but this does not affect the rest. In what should have appeared outside. And what is that 20 years is too many, it seems.
Such glorious day I dedicate to reread his teachings. And to put in the little sanctuary that I own, three candles, one red, one white and one black, illuminating his portrait in memory of his example. Someone even watched it. As Gani, the fire kept the flame without which the world would disappear. I imagine others as I proceeded to perform this sacred ritual in other parts of the world, and so keep the flame.
few years ago at 99, I met a venerable white-bearded gentleman who came on pilgrimage to maintain the flame. And from that we go to the Sacred Valley at night to confirm our oath. Renewed oath as he had done many years ago, and still keep it.
Greatest Man SXX history and possibly the most reviled, slandered, harassed and cursed, the more enlightened view of what is coming upon us, has been ostracized from their 'comrades', or so appears.
I do not think 'comrade', because I am a believer. Now the word comrade is perverted and rotten almost mystical meaning we gave him. Now a comrade is another matter.
According to Comrade RAE definition is:
1. Accompanying person over and eats and lives with ella.2. com. Person walking in company with others, being friendship and confianza.3. com. In certain political parties and trade unions, colleague or partner.
In other definitions, but we see the same combination. During the Great War more if it was coined this concept as "trench mate and fight." Step appointed during the 30 to those of the old guard of the revolutionary movements and then to party colleagues in a more general.
Today, especially in the political environment I come from, comrade is either. He who comes to a conference, you buy a shirt or a book, which takes our symbols, which say they think like us, who goes to football to beat others, who are drug Skrewdriver T-shirts, that rob, stab or trafficked, but likes the chaperio (plate and badges), who goes to meetings and then to speak with intelligence services, which not pay a fee but it takes tattoos, which appears disguised as a Nazi with a multitude of flags, which do not paste a poster or a sticker but said be to be part of the group, which does not give a penny for anything, ie all those who want.
I have always believed that English or Castilian is one of the most versatile languages \u200b\u200bin the world. It has many definitions and nuances that are mild to classify, so sympathetic, colleague, buddy, colleague, friend, classmate, brother, partner and anyone else are synonymous comrade. But for some of us meant fellow comrade ideology, hardship, struggle, work, beliefs and fate. All this together and never separately. Today
when someone new comes to an event, meeting or whatever, I have 'pepito is Comrade. " Personally fight much in the past for trying to make distinctions, never bound, and even come to be frowned upon for trying to do a bit of aristocracy. Today
a comrade is a nobody. And the word apart from being outdated, it invalidated the meaning that once learned some. Thus we should redefine the term and move to call believers. First, because not everyone who says Comrade think or believe. Second, because only believers profess the true faith.
So looking at the picture of my head, I see you walk the same places: "The first comrade." Although there is almost comrades.
may be other strategies of the 'leaders' of today, but the need for remembrance and to show it, even if anonymously, so that society could see that his memory is not dead. Perhaps a hint of romance that I still have, and the best thing is that the 'enemy of the World' belief that it has completely died.
Reading the last of the greats, he left for Valhalla scarcely two months ago, D. Miguel Serrano, I better understand his words when I read many years ago. I understand the real meaning more and more gold lace, In tempore thread that comes with it to us. The meaning of the Avatar as he calls it. For well over human, statesman, that was what it was and what came to tell us.
Nobody comes to me talking about strange things. Of paranoia and misinterpretation of what D. Miguel wanted to say with his flowery language and full of mythical references. As the archetype he represents him, is indefinable and beyond logical structures of thought. Is the message of the extinction of our blood, the drops that the gods gave us his essence, to fight evil in this world to what I believe, that is the faith that we profess, regardless of the continent to take her to us, as in the NS and our boss.
And this message has not reached our 'comrades', it is this which makes us believers. Not because I 'UFOs' in the constellation Vega with 'eXvasticas' waiting, or the like antics. We are believers because he brought us back to the true faith. The rustling the oaks and ash when they are rocked in the wind. The gurgling in the streams that flood the countryside. The rocks cry Faith Evergreen Europe.
biggest mistake was not in the postwar de-link our worldview. Divide the political and spiritual. Take the enemy's beliefs and worship demons come from the sands forgetting the message of our ancient gods. Therefore
April 20 is more than a date. It's just a reminder. The date on which the Avatar, the living representation of the memory of the blood, incarnate among men to remind us of our fate.
We are alone. There is not one of the greats. The best blood of Europe came to Valhalla and with them his example. The last one left for months and therefore I tremble in fear to see that the examples disappear. Fear because we who will be older and have not achieved anything more than fatuous fires constantly dissipating.
My loyalty is with him because I think. I believe in his message. I believe in your worldview. I think the archetypes of the gods show us the path. I think it is a spiritual war so great that happens on the political concepts that we can give. I believe in the golden thread that unites us. I believe that every drop of resistance is a sea of \u200b\u200befforts in this Demiurge.
I think now more than ever we must be faithful. With your feet on the ground. Connected with reality. Prepared intellectually, physically and mentally. With a family feel closer
have to be willing to give political projects and collaborate on real and serious, honest and ethical as they can remember the message among the society. Taradeces aside, paranoia, and 'purist'. The message is paramount. The content must reach the continent is secondary.
Defeat the ego that handles our destiny to work with the demiurge. Join forces with logic, patience, intelligence and coldly. Romance and the Romantics are for prayer books. You have to be heroes and it usually makes it necessary to victory, must prevail over the individual.
I think. Do you believe? Pepito
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