Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cruising Spots Mobile, Al

Manuel González Prada - "Our Indians" (FIFTH SM)

In The struggle of the races, Luis Gumplowicz says Everything looks strong ethnic element essential to serve its purpose any element weak radio is in its power to penetrate it or d . First, the Conquistadores, then their descendants, formed in the countries of Latin ethnic element powerful enough to subjugate and exploit the Indians. Although tache of exaggerating claims of Las Casas, it is undeniable that thanks to the cruelty of greedy operators in some American towns the weak element is close to extinction. Ants domesticated aphids to milk them, do not imitate the unpredictability of white not destroy their productive animal.
Gumplowicz A formula should add a law that greatly influences our way of life: when an individual rises above the level of social class, usually becomes her worst enemy. During slavery black, there were no more ferocious caporales blacks themselves, now, there is perhaps as harsh oppressors of indigenous Hispanicized as the Indians themselves and invested with some authority.
The real tyrant of the mass, which makes use of Indians for robbing and oppressing others is the wee , included in this word both cholo saws or mestizo and the mulatto and mulatto from the coast. In Peru we see ethnic overcrowding, excluding Europe and the very short number of national targets or Creoles, the population is divided into two very unequal fractions for the amount, the wee or indigenous rulers and ruled. One to two hundred thousand individuals have overcome three million.
There is a offensive and defensive alliance, an exchange of services between the rulers of the provincial capital and, if the saw is gamonal political agent matron Lima, the great lady of Lima gamonal defends the saw when the Indians brutally abused. Few groups have committed so many sins and traits appear as black as the English and wee in Peru. Revolutions seem nothing to the greed of the wee ice to get the most of human flesh. Have cared very little pain and death of his fellows, when that pain and death has rendered them gain a few soles. They decimated the Indian with the divisions 3 and mitas 4 , it mattered to black to make him groan under the lash of the overseers, they ate Chinese, giving a handful of rice ten to fifteen hours of work, they extracted from their island to Kanak to let him die of nostalgia in the barns of the farms, they now seek to introduce Japanese and . The black seems to diminish, the Chinese are disappearing, the Kanak has not left its mark, the Japanese no signs be paid to the easement, but the Indian is because three or four hundred years have failed to exterminate cruelties the infamous becomes infatuated to live!
The Viceroys of Peru did not cease to condemn the abuses and saved measures to achieve conservation, proper treatment and relief of the Indians; the Kings of Spain, giving to commiseration of his nobles and Catholic souls seconded conceived humanitarian actions or those initiated by the Viceroys. Overran the good intentions in the royal decrees. Dont know if the laws pig form a pyramid as high as Chimborazo, but we know that evil still the same, although sometimes there was exemplary punishment. It could not happen otherwise: the official ordering the exploitation of the conquered and called humanity and justice the perpetrators of exploitation, it was intended that humanity is equally committed iniquities or consummation of injustice. To remove abuses, it was necessary to abolish the divisions and mitas, in short, change all the colonial regime. Without the labors of the American Indian, would have emptied the coffers of the English treasure. The flow sent from the colonies to the mother country were nothing but blood and tears converted gold.
The Republic continues the traditions of the viceroyalty. The President in his message calling for the redemption of the oppressed and called protectors of Indian race 5 , the Congress enact laws that leave the Declaration of the Rights of Man; ministers Government issued decrees, passed notes to appoint prefects and finding delegations, all with the noble aim of ensuring the guarantees of the disinherited class; but messages, laws, decrees, letters and delegations are reduced to hypocritical lamentations, words without echo, thumbed files. The authorities from Lima given orders to the departments, they know they will not be obeyed, the prefects who are the injunctions of the capital city also know that no harm will result from non-compliance.
Meanwhile, and as a rule, the rulers the Indian approach to deceive, oppress or corrupted. And we must remember that not only the national be mated with inhumanity or bad faith, when Europeans are rescuers wool miners or farmers, show good taskmasters and magnificent torsionarios, vying with former and current trustees landowners. The animal's white coat, born where born, lives with the disease of gold 6 : the end of the yield to the instinct of greed.

Under the Republic "suffers less from the Indian under English rule? If there are no townships or parcels, are forced labor and recruitment. What we do suffer enough to dump on us the hatred of human beings. Retain him in ignorance and bondage, vilified in the barracks, brutalized him with alcohol, I launched to destroy the civil wars and from time to time organize hunts and killings as Amantani, Key and Huanta h .
not written but there is the axiom that the Indian has no rights but obligations. In the case of him taking personal complaint for insubordination, the claim collective attempt at revolt. The English royalists killed the Indian when he tried to shake off the yoke of the conquerors, we will exterminate when national Republicans protest onerous contributions, or tired to stand in silence the iniquities of a satrap.
Our form of government is reduced to a big lie, because it deserves to be called democratic republic a state in which two or three million people live outside the law 7 . If the coast you can see a glimpse of securities under a semblance of a republic, the interior feels the violation of any rights under a real pattern feudal. Codes do not apply and there prevail justice courts because landlords and bosses arbitrate any matter arrogating roles of judges and executioners of judgments. The political authorities, far from supporting the weak and poor almost always help the rich and strong. There are regions where magistrates and governors belonging to the servitude of the plantation. What governor, how dare prefect prefect or what placed face to face with a farmer?
A farm is formed by the accumulation of small lots taken from their rightful owners an employer exercises over his workers the authority of a Norman baron. Not only influences the appointment of governors, mayors and justices of the peace, but makes marriages, designated heirs, distributes the inheritance, and for children to meet the debts of the father, subjected to a servitude which usually lasts a lifetime. Tremendous punishment imposed as corma, flogging, the stocks of campaign and death, laughable, like the shaved hair and cold water enemas. Who does not respect life or property would perform a miracle if he kept ruthlessly on the honor of women: all india, single or married, can serve to target brutal wishes sir. A kidnapping, rape and a rape does not mean much when you think that the Indian women's lives must have the strength. And yet, the Indian does not speak with the employer without kneeling and kissing his hand. Do not say that out of ignorance or lack of culture and the territorial lords come: the children of some landowners are children to Europe, was educated in France and England and returned to Peru with all the trappings of civilized people, but are confined only their estates, they lose the European paint and come with more inhumanity and violence than their parents, with his hat, poncho and snorers, beast reappears. In short, the estates are kingdoms in the heart of the Republic, the farmers engaged the role of autocrats in the midst of democracy.


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