Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Anniversary Program Template


And is that 20 years do not go in vain, or so I thought. Exactly 20 years ago marched through Madrid to honor the 100 anniversary, and the vast majority of English cities would wake up full of signs of that anniversary. Possibly the most beautiful poster that best represented the NS ideology.

This April 20 and did not get to meet three comrades of the 'old guard' (the of 40) to celebrate his name day, everyone had something to do. Nothing, not to make a damn beer. I saw a poster or a sticker on one of the cities where we had more street presence. I knew I did not receive or special editions of magazines, fanzines and other publications that would reflect that date and what it means. Did not even see anything special Web page for Excellence, New Order, just some pictures. I did not receive even a damn email or sms.

Perhaps the fact of being removed from militant activity means to be dead ... but this does not affect the rest. In what should have appeared outside. And what is that 20 years is too many, it seems.

Such glorious day I dedicate to reread his teachings. And to put in the little sanctuary that I own, three candles, one red, one white and one black, illuminating his portrait in memory of his example. Someone even watched it. As Gani, the fire kept the flame without which the world would disappear. I imagine others as I proceeded to perform this sacred ritual in other parts of the world, and so keep the flame.

few years ago at 99, I met a venerable white-bearded gentleman who came on pilgrimage to maintain the flame. And from that we go to the Sacred Valley at night to confirm our oath. Renewed oath as he had done many years ago, and still keep it.

Greatest Man SXX history and possibly the most reviled, slandered, harassed and cursed, the more enlightened view of what is coming upon us, has been ostracized from their 'comrades', or so appears.

I do not think 'comrade', because I am a believer. Now the word comrade is perverted and rotten almost mystical meaning we gave him. Now a comrade is another matter.

According to Comrade RAE definition is:

1. Accompanying person over and eats and lives with ella.2. com. Person walking in company with others, being friendship and confianza.3. com. In certain political parties and trade unions, colleague or partner.

In other definitions, but we see the same combination. During the Great War more if it was coined this concept as "trench mate and fight." Step appointed during the 30 to those of the old guard of the revolutionary movements and then to party colleagues in a more general.

Today, especially in the political environment I come from, comrade is either. He who comes to a conference, you buy a shirt or a book, which takes our symbols, which say they think like us, who goes to football to beat others, who are drug Skrewdriver T-shirts, that rob, stab or trafficked, but likes the chaperio (plate and badges), who goes to meetings and then to speak with intelligence services, which not pay a fee but it takes tattoos, which appears disguised as a Nazi with a multitude of flags, which do not paste a poster or a sticker but said be to be part of the group, which does not give a penny for anything, ie all those who want.

I have always believed that English or Castilian is one of the most versatile languages \u200b\u200bin the world. It has many definitions and nuances that are mild to classify, so sympathetic, colleague, buddy, colleague, friend, classmate, brother, partner and anyone else are synonymous comrade. But for some of us meant fellow comrade ideology, hardship, struggle, work, beliefs and fate. All this together and never separately. Today

when someone new comes to an event, meeting or whatever, I have 'pepito is Comrade. " Personally fight much in the past for trying to make distinctions, never bound, and even come to be frowned upon for trying to do a bit of aristocracy. Today

a comrade is a nobody. And the word apart from being outdated, it invalidated the meaning that once learned some. Thus we should redefine the term and move to call believers. First, because not everyone who says Comrade think or believe. Second, because only believers profess the true faith.

So looking at the picture of my head, I see you walk the same places: "The first comrade." Although there is almost comrades.

may be other strategies of the 'leaders' of today, but the need for remembrance and to show it, even if anonymously, so that society could see that his memory is not dead. Perhaps a hint of romance that I still have, and the best thing is that the 'enemy of the World' belief that it has completely died.

Reading the last of the greats, he left for Valhalla scarcely two months ago, D. Miguel Serrano, I better understand his words when I read many years ago. I understand the real meaning more and more gold lace, In tempore thread that comes with it to us. The meaning of the Avatar as he calls it. For well over human, statesman, that was what it was and what came to tell us.

Nobody comes to me talking about strange things. Of paranoia and misinterpretation of what D. Miguel wanted to say with his flowery language and full of mythical references. As the archetype he represents him, is indefinable and beyond logical structures of thought. Is the message of the extinction of our blood, the drops that the gods gave us his essence, to fight evil in this world to what I believe, that is the faith that we profess, regardless of the continent to take her to us, as in the NS and our boss.

And this message has not reached our 'comrades', it is this which makes us believers. Not because I 'UFOs' in the constellation Vega with 'eXvasticas' waiting, or the like antics. We are believers because he brought us back to the true faith. The rustling the oaks and ash when they are rocked in the wind. The gurgling in the streams that flood the countryside. The rocks cry Faith Evergreen Europe.

biggest mistake was not in the postwar de-link our worldview. Divide the political and spiritual. Take the enemy's beliefs and worship demons come from the sands forgetting the message of our ancient gods. Therefore

April 20 is more than a date. It's just a reminder. The date on which the Avatar, the living representation of the memory of the blood, incarnate among men to remind us of our fate.

We are alone. There is not one of the greats. The best blood of Europe came to Valhalla and with them his example. The last one left for months and therefore I tremble in fear to see that the examples disappear. Fear because we who will be older and have not achieved anything more than fatuous fires constantly dissipating.

My loyalty is with him because I think. I believe in his message. I believe in your worldview. I think the archetypes of the gods show us the path. I think it is a spiritual war so great that happens on the political concepts that we can give. I believe in the golden thread that unites us. I believe that every drop of resistance is a sea of \u200b\u200befforts in this Demiurge.

I think now more than ever we must be faithful. With your feet on the ground. Connected with reality. Prepared intellectually, physically and mentally. With a family feel closer
have to be willing to give political projects and collaborate on real and serious, honest and ethical as they can remember the message among the society. Taradeces aside, paranoia, and 'purist'. The message is paramount. The content must reach the continent is secondary.

Defeat the ego that handles our destiny to work with the demiurge. Join forces with logic, patience, intelligence and coldly. Romance and the Romantics are for prayer books. You have to be heroes and it usually makes it necessary to victory, must prevail over the individual.

I think. Do you believe? Pepito

Cricket Magazine Article extracted from EVERYTHING.


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