Saturday, December 1, 2007

Iron Gym Breaking Door

Vince Gironda "The Iron Guru Jack LaLanne

Vince Gironda was born on November 9, 1917 in Bronx, New York, moving from very young to Los Angeles where his father gets a job as stuntman in the film classic Ben Hur. Is at 22 when he started weight training inspired by a photo of John Grimek, in search of a more muscular body and more physical. His first eight months Training took place in the YMCA gym, and then continued his training at the Easton Brothers' gym. It is the latter where the guru of iron begins his career as a coach and then opened in North Hollywood's classic Vince's Gym in 1948. Experimenter and intellectual, Vince starts to make his own line of thought as to training and nutrition. Controversial to this day, I always try to distinguish how their training must address a person as your goal is devoted to bodybuilding or power lifting. With a vision that could be called art of bodybuilding, not advocating the extreme development but vascular bodies, symmetrical and defined.

As the athlete nutrition could say that was the forerunner of what today is known as a diet low in carbohydrates, giving a value more than important to the quality of food and a plenty of carefully selected supplements. It is he who is credited with saying that bodybuilding is 85 percent nutrition. Turning to training, popularized Gironde impressive flow periods to which different modifications were performed to optimize the work done. Among the array can be named, the Sissy squat, the Dips style bar V Gironde, the sternal Chin, The Press to the neck, squat "thight" (which Gironda's version of the front squat that has 3 submovements), the squat Roman Bank, The Hack squat (in two versions, including introduction of machine Hack) Various versions of the low-pulley rowing. Gironde Arsenal is almost infinite, and each of their movements and characteristics and have had a reason. "It's honest work that counts" Gironda said that he believed more in training with short rest and a high workload but in a limited time. That is, much of what today are Gironde had exposed the foundations of what is called "training of accumulation of fatigue." With a character often criticized, Vince Gironda, had no in his gym classic squat rack for this exercise because disowned by their ability to increase the size of the buttock in man (except in certain cases such as Sergio Oliva). Never worried about the weight to use, but more than anything in the training itself, the technique, rest periods and volume of work, to note that bodybuilding is not just heavy lifting, why is awarded phrase "we are bodybuilders, weightlifters no" when asked at his gym as raised in some exercise.

already into the early 50's, was recognized as a great trainer of bodybuilders and movie stars. But with the victory of one of his most memorable pupils, Larry Scott, who in 1965 in the recent competition at the time MR. OLYMPIA, he defeated Chuck Sipes and Harold Poole. Throughout his career, Vince Gironda wrote training manuals, publications in journals and Musclemag IRONMAN, the latter being the hand of Robert Kennedy, who collaborated on the publication of his classic book The Wild Physique. " Being a supporter of natural supplementation, wrote manuals on nutrition, supplementation and then began developing his own line of exclusive supplements Vince's Gym. Suffice it to say, except for therapeutic purposes, was totally against the use of steroids. Among his other outstanding pupil is MOHAMED MAKKAWY. Finally in 1995, Vince, in complete disagreement with the direction being taken by the bodybuilding, fitness center closes its one of the most prominent clubs of the very history of bodybuilding. Two years after the Iron Guru leaves the physical plane is transformed into one of the legends of bodybuilding, still controversial, still inspiring, and in my humble opinion, one of the greatest coaches of all time bodybuilding.

Further reading: -

Lab Fiive Cellular Respiration Answers

François Henri LaLanne, born on September 26, 1914 in San Francisco, California, where a child is awarded its problematic character, addicted to sugar and violent tendencies. At 15 years, and after the advice of nutritionist Paul C. Bragg (a pioneer in terms of nutrition and healthy lifestyle), LaLanne decides to change their eating habits and get into bodybuilding, surveying of strength, and exercise in general as a way of overcoming. It was in 1936 when he decided to open his gym in California, considered at the time as one of the first Health Studio's modern. Among its technical developments within their study are the first leg extension machine, and the first devices that used cables and weight selector (pulley mechanism.) The Smith machine also belongs to LaLanne's creative arsenal.

is between 1954 and 1984 that Jack LaLanne, made an impressive amount of athletic Proesa among which are the following: -1954

swam the distance of the Golden Gate Bridge San Francisto under water more than 60 kilos of weight equipment.

- 1956

established the world record for push-ups in 1033 in 23 minutes


swam a mile in the Golden Gate canal towing a boat of about 1100 kilos. -1959

push-ups completed 1000 and 1000 dominated supine in 1 hour and 22 minutes

The Swim LaLanne made by towing boats or boats loaded with people were a classic brand of it, this is so that he repeated this act several times, including in its 70 years and at times being handcuffed and in this way connected to the vessels. An undeniable demonstration of skill, athleticism, endurance and strength. It is from 1992 where begins to receive awards recognizing their work in the field of training, health and nutrition, among them we can highlight the following:

- Academy Award for Fitness and Bodybuilding
- Award State of California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness Lifetime Achievement Award.
- Dwight D.
Eisenhower Fitness Award - Spirit of Muscle Beach Award
- Arnold Classic Award for achievements (Lifetime Achievement Award)

But these awards are just some of the he received during his long career, which was also recognized in the field medical, historical and television.

But not only in the gym LaLanne encourage people to train with weights and observe proper nutrition and healthy, between 1951 and 1984 presented his "The Jack LaLanne Show" where, along with videos and books on fitness and nutrition was widely known. And it is this day that he can be seen in some advertisements such as the "Jack LaLanne's Power Juicer, juicing machine, also has yet to DVDs where the age of 93 you can see it in action. Considered the "Grandfather of Fitness" at his age says, "I can not afford to die, that would ruin my reputation"

Further reading:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Syphilis Short Term Affects

Roy" Reg "Park

Today, November 22, 2007 has left us one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time, inspiring athletes, among which is the very Mr Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger. Born June 8, 1928 in Yorkshire England, Mr. Park became Britain in 1949, having in 1946 obtained a fourth place in the same competition. Come to America, Reg Park, Gets titles: 1950

Best Developed Athlete in America - IFBB, Size High, 1st
Best Developed Athlete in America - IFBB, Overall Winner Mr Europe
Overall Winner Mr Universe - NABBA, Size High, 2nd

1951 Mr Universe - NABBA, Size High, 1st Mr Universe - NABBA, Overall Winner 1958

Universe - Pro - NABBA , Size High, 1st Universe - Pro - NABBA, Overall Winner 1965

Universe - Pro - NABBA, Size High, 1st Universe - Pro - NABBA, Overall Winner 1970

Universe - Pro - NABBA, Talla Alta 2nd

1971 Universe - Pro - NABBA, Size High, 3rd

1973 Universe - Pro - NABBA, Size High, 2nd

With approximately 1.83 meters. in height and 100 kilos, Park had a huge appearance, which is why, along with their artistic abilities had a career most remembered for all fans of the films of Greco-Roman style (Peplum calls) in which excelled in his role as Hercules in three occasions (also played Maciste and Ursus in two other films). Besides movies, Reg Park appeared on numerous covers and magazines of the time, being considered the bodybuilder with more occurrences in the graph in the history of bodybuilding.

But Roy "Reg" Park, not only appeared to be strong, was strong, their surveys speak for themselves:

- Press behind the neck for one repetition with approximately 136 kilos.
- Press with a barbell with about 75 kilos for two repetitions.
- Front Squat, a repetition with incredible 184 kilos.
- Conventional Squat, two repetitions with 275 kilos.
- barbell curl (Strict) with approximately 90 kilos for a repeat.

These are just some of their surveys, but leave it very clear that he possessed the strength and core training. Back a repetir, lo básico de su entrenamiento porque durante todos los artículos o casi todos lo que mas denota de los guerreros del hierro es la utilización de movimientos básicos en su rutina de entrenamiento y una intensidad asombrosa.

Finalmente, pasa el tiempo y no podemos dejar de admirar a aquellos que llevaron la bandera del culturismo y la vida culturista en las primeras épocas, y Reg Park tuvo un lugar especial y muy importante en la historia misma del deporte, tal es asi que a sus setenta continuaba entrenando alumnos en el Morningside Virgin Active Gym en Sandton, Sudáfrica. Actualmente su hijo Jon Jon Park, continúa con el legado de su padre and owns the Legacy Gym in Los Angeles.
Their website is

Further reading

Friday, November 9, 2007

Chocolate Wrapping For Cake

Abbye" Pudgy "Stockton

Abbye " Pudgy Stockton was born on August 11, 1917 in California. If after seeing the photo is any doubt, it is so, it was a real Strongwoman of the time who with her husband Les Stockton, performers had as at that time called "Muscle Beach" where Abbye demonstrated his acrobatic skills, levels impressive strength and aesthetically molded body. Among their actions, in addition to the surveys own at the time, was one who drew attention as the others: Abbye, about 1.60 in height and 52 kilos, stand on her hands to her husband of 81 kilos in one act balance in her arms outstretched on the stand in an upright position, holding hand in hand. As striking their actions and for his skill on stage, soon began to be part of the pictographs of the time, and was estimated to cover at least 42 magazines for 1940. By 1944, began writing a column in Strength and Health magazine, called "the barbell" where they write about everything related to women and weight training. Other activities favored the introduction of women in an environment that seemed to be dominated by men, was organizing the first event of lifting for women, an event that took place in 1947 in which she also participated. It was in 1948 when it named "Miss Physical Culture Venus." In his career, was also the possibility to pose an equal footing with giants of the era like Steve Reeves and John Grimek among others. Finally in 2000 it belongs to the IFBB Hall of Fame and in 2006, more specifically on June 26, Abbye leaves the physical world and happens to live in the memories of fans of bodybuilding, strength, y principalmente en muchas de las mujeres que hoy disfrutan del culturismo y los deportes de fuerza donde ella fue una pionera, una autentica guerrera del hierro.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Allusions About Helios

Clarence Ross, llamado en la época dorada del fisicoculturismo, "El Rey de los Físicoculturistas", nacio en California, en Oakland mas precisamente el 26 de Octubre de 1923. Es a los 17 años cuando comienza a entrenar sus musculos y luego del bombardeo a Pearl Harbour, se enlista en la Fuerza Aerea Estadounidense, donde se lo asigna como entrenador weightlifting. Persevering in its objective, "Clancy" Ross, not only had a body with a sleek lines but was also admired for his strength. In relation to the weights used in their training, can be highlighted in military press 140 kilos for multiple repetitions, 200 kilos in the squat for 10 repetitions, and 175 kilos for 10 reps in press plane. Prior to Ross, bodybuilders generally used the method of a simple series of exercise, an issue which he modified in his training by 2 to 3 series. Among his other data relating to their training, they could note that the exercise began with squats were preferred, and that Despite training in series of 8 to 10 repetitions, never neglected his strength training and power movements.

His titles won in the competitive environment were:

Pro Mr. America 1945 Mr. America 1946 Mr. USA 1948

Mr. USA 1949 (second place behind John Grimek, but before Reeves)

With a highly successful career, Clarence Ross was on the cover of numerous magazines, such as Iron Man, Health and Strength, Muscle Power and Your Physique among others have also appeared in such film projects in Hollywood. With John Grimek, were the only two people able to defeat Steve Reeves twice. In 1945, after retiring from the military, he opened his gym in Alameda, California and is also manager of the West Coast of the American Health Gyms Studios. He now lives in California.

Clarence Ross was named the king of bodybuilders, in a time where large, as Steve Reeves, John Grimek, Reg Park, Jack La Lanne, among other giants, were in the top of the bodybuilding world. The King ... there will have been right? just enough to see the photos and their training and force levels.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How Can I Find Jirachi

John Clarence Ross Grimek

IFBB Hall of Fame

Grimek John was born on June 17, 1910 in New Jersey, USA. UU. Son of European immigrants, representing the U.S. weightlifting team at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. With an impressive force and time-dependent, but occurs later, the Strongman, Grimek also passionately devoted to bodybuilding winning titles such as:

1939 York Perfect Man 1940 Mr. America 1941 Mr. America

1946 Most Muscular Man In America
1948 Mr. Universe Short & Overall 1949 Mr. USA

is noteworthy that was the only man to win Mr. America twice, and then Bob Hoffman (Owner of "York Barbell Company and organizer of this event) who won decided that may not recur. INVATE in all competitions, he won a major at the time bodybuilders like Steve Reeves, Clarence Ross, among other great characters from the Muscle scene of the 30 'and 40'. Although only one of his victories questioned, in which he defeated Reeves for his gymnastic ability, he retired undefeated and continued his training for a long time, being known for his ability to squat 180 kilos more than his advanced 60 years.

Excellent and recognized by their poses, Grimek partake of the magazine covers of the era such as Muscular Development and Strength and Health. With 95 kilos and 1.73 meters. about had a muscular quality. In 1999, a year after his death (88 years), it becomes part of the IFBB Hall of Fame. But undoubtedly John Grimek talk is talk about one of the men who influenced the great champions as well as many who live this passion beyond all possible division, began as a passion for weightlifting, strength, power and the body as a work of art.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Alexis Texas 2010 Cilip

Henry" Milo "Steinborn

Steinborn Henry was born in Germany in 1893 and again in 1920 after the First World War became the national champion lifts, also marking a record squat of 553 lbs or about 250 Kilos; record would not be surpassed until 1950 by Douglas Hepburn. Athlete of impressive qualities With 1.75 and about 95 kilos, Steinborn was also a professional wrestler. In 1921 he traveled to the United States, where he popularized among other surveys, the classic squat, the clean and jerk, two and one arm, and starting or snatch. But without a doubt is the first of these, the squat, which is remembered more in many cases, as the man who brought America squat. With a wealth of impressive strength more than anything in his legs, was able to perform five repetitions of full squats with 550 lbs (approx 250 kilos). The way in which Milo Steinborn carried the bar was also quite a demonstration of skill and strength, being carried lateralized the bar, putting it under Classic at the position and then loading it verticalize your body and get into the starting position of the squat. Among his other acts were Legs Bridge, where he used his lower body as pillars of a bridge through which he passed a car full of passengers. Act that took him to an injury in 1926. Recovered from this, continued as a professional wrestler and his deeds and surveys. In 1960 he opened his own gym in Orlando, and finally in 1989 at age 95 Henry Steinborn becomes a legend of iron and one of the pillars of the history of the force.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Yg Entertainment Employment For Foreigners

man is Siegmund Klein that best represents the transition between the first golden age of modern Strongman and bodybuilding. Born in 1902 in Germany as a child his family moved to Cleveland, Ohio. As a young man interested in the world of strength intimately related to the image of his father, at 17 he began training with his first set of bar with 100 lbs (45 kilos approx.). With the evolution of his training, he quickly began appearing in magazines of the time in presentations where it poses to his routine and lifting and always interested in improving their skills used their ingenuity to develop equipment that in many cases were inspired modern machines. Having married the daughter of Professor Attila, Grace, after the death of Attila, Klein decided to take over the Gym Teacher located in New York, with its new name Siegmund Klein's Studio of Physical Culture. In addition to writing in their own magazine Klein Bell's, in 1930 began writing for the Strength and Health Magazine. Icon of a new era in relation to fitness, gym was carefully fitted and among its publications can highlight the "bar Bodybuilding Course" which lists, explains and photographic material presented on exercises with bar and a section for dumbbells . Among other instruments created by one of the most striking is what might be called the predecessor of Lying leg curl.

Finally in 1987 with a career more than important for the world of strength and bodybuilding, Siegmund Klein dies, but only physically, because his legacy is impossible to ignore.

specific Bibliography:

Siegmund Klein: featuring 2006 Joe Weider's bodybuilding Hall of Fame inductee
Flex, April, 2006 by Joe Roark

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hamptons After Prom Houses

Siegmund Klein Professor Attila Bobby

Professor Louis Attila was born in Germany in 1844 and was one of the most important men in the history of strength sports and bodybuilding. Not only was coach and a strongman Sandow with a remarkable level of strength, but also the one who developed the classic move that would mark the beginning of the uprising, the Bent Press. It is in this movement where we can say that was the first to do it with more than 90 kilos. Another of his pupils was Bobby Pandour. Among his other inventions can be highlighted, the classic "globe barbell" (seen on the statue of Sandow in Olympia) and the Roman bank. In 1893 Attila travels to North America and in 1894 opened "The New York Studio, gym which will then be up to 1975 by Siegmund Klein. The importance of Professor Attila lies not only in having been the inspiration for great strongmans who were later trained, but also in being an innovator in the area of \u200b\u200btraining and possibilities. "The Proffesor" was a turning point in the history of strength and fitness and has therefore to be valued and remembered as a great one.

What Are Complex Canker Sores?


Kurcharczyk Wladyslaw, born in Poland in 1876. Bobby Pandour, so renamed by Professor Attila, was what could be call the exception to the rule in relation to his training and his time. Outstanding gymnast, should his physical training with low weights (using dumbbells 10 lbs / 4.5 kilos), a muscular tension exercises and calisthenics. At first glance indicates that genetics was in possession of a privilege. The significant development of their quadriceps mainly because his brother was carrying through a ladder as quickly as possible, this being his only year with a moderately heavy load. With approximately 1.68 m, weighing 72 kilos, an impressive muscle quality, and outstanding abdominal development, Pandour was known for its beautiful posing routine and highly demanded by the artists as a model. In 1915 he retired and lives in New York after an accident in one of his performances in American Vaudeville and finally in 1920 at age 44 dies, immortalizing his image in the history of bodybuilding.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Showering Cheerleaders


The "Russian Leon," as they used to be called, was born in Estonia in 1878. A dedicated man too, like the giants set out above, the training and its relationship to health. Being better known as Greco-Roman wrestler, was also a Strongman and a pioneer in the field of surveying. Among his most prominent inventions related to weight training, you can find the famous barbell hack squat, which could be described as a dead weight from the back. This movement has the advantage of attacking the quadriceps with minimal impact on the lumbar conventional squat and can also handle heavy loads.

with 1.75 and 99 kilos of body weight, possessed a very physical muscularizado quadriceps and development worthy of a champion. Being a fighter became pesopesado crowned world champion in 1905 in New York. With over 3000 fight win under his belt, he was finally defeated in 1908 by Frank Gotch twice, being in the final with a knee injury. Finally, after retiring, he began to write books where usher all his knowledge and experience. Within the scope of the surveys was also a promoter of Plano Press in your workouts. Highly related to their cult of healthy living, Hackenschmidt died in 1968 at age 89.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

How To Know A Verrucca Is Gone

Georg Arthur Saxon

Contemporary Sandow, Arthur Saxon, born in 1878, not only was the strongest man of his time, even surpassing himself in the art Sandow BENT PRESS , but also was a man interested in weight training and its possibilities. Owner of an impressive body and a colossal force, its circus acts with his brothers were widely recognized, like his books where he turned his knowledge and experience. Regarding the above motion, Saxon was able to do with 385 lbs. which are approximately 175 kilos. Germano
birth, Arthur and his two brothers travel to U.S.. UU. in 1909 to present his show in New York. Saxon not only possessed impressive levels of force but also a muscular quality of the artist's own iron. After participating in the First World War can not recover from the ravages of war, died in 1921 a victim of pneumonia. Among his books are mentioned, for example "The Development of physical power "(the development of physical power), 1905.

In its most prominent movements in addition to the bent press can be name the military press, boot, and a movement called Two Hands Anyhow it is primarily a press bent but with the addition that once the bar is on the performer's head, it looks as if the photo above ( using a kettlebell) a new element to load through a push to end with a press, placing both weights on the head in a position straight. In this movement could load 448 lbs Saxon, what about nearly 200 kilos over the head.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Laboratory Worksheet For Triple Beam Balance

If we are to talk about the history of force, and not begin with the man whose name is now inseparable from the representation of victory in the cultural life, and strength training, Eugene Sandow ( Friederich Wilhelm Mueller). Born in Prussia in the late nineteenth century (1867-1925) and a fervent admiration for the ideals of beauty and symmetry that had the ancient Greco-Roman sculptures, he decided, as a work of art is trying to model your body keeping these ideals and admiration is why it is considered the father of modern bodybuilding. His ideas on training led him to write many books where denotes that in addition to seeking the physical beauty, was a scholar of force and a "strongman" with all the letters. This is shown not only in treaties, but also in the implementation of those old school moves as presses an arm bar. Demonstrated in a shot at British and American Strongmans a movement called BENT PRESS where he could lift 271 lbs, about 120 kilos with one arm. The end of the movement corresponds to the last part of the movement presented in this lithograph of the period.

The SandowLithograph - 1894Library of Congress Collection

much those movements are being bailed out by its great versatility in strength training, strength and fitness by several coaches as Chad Waterbury, Mike Mahler, among others, but these movements are trademarks in the history of Russian training. Continuing Sandow, being a strongman, his idea about training was mainly based on heavy lifting and organized as a weight / reps.

Eugene Sandow was an artist, a scholar of muscle training, and a lover strongman strength, symmetry and body as art. For all these reasons and because of its importance in the spread of a lifestyle that is so like what lovers of iron as we seek, I think, deserves to be the one to represent in the form of a bronze statue, the triumph of bodybuilders the biggest global event of bodybuilding, the Mr. Olympia.