Monday, August 27, 2007

Showering Cheerleaders


The "Russian Leon," as they used to be called, was born in Estonia in 1878. A dedicated man too, like the giants set out above, the training and its relationship to health. Being better known as Greco-Roman wrestler, was also a Strongman and a pioneer in the field of surveying. Among his most prominent inventions related to weight training, you can find the famous barbell hack squat, which could be described as a dead weight from the back. This movement has the advantage of attacking the quadriceps with minimal impact on the lumbar conventional squat and can also handle heavy loads.

with 1.75 and 99 kilos of body weight, possessed a very physical muscularizado quadriceps and development worthy of a champion. Being a fighter became pesopesado crowned world champion in 1905 in New York. With over 3000 fight win under his belt, he was finally defeated in 1908 by Frank Gotch twice, being in the final with a knee injury. Finally, after retiring, he began to write books where usher all his knowledge and experience. Within the scope of the surveys was also a promoter of Plano Press in your workouts. Highly related to their cult of healthy living, Hackenschmidt died in 1968 at age 89.


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