On the next date against Racing de Bavier and we talked about how it may change the normal schedule because of the homecourt team of General Mansilla (for parts in the local court is playing in a field of Villa Garibaldi, stronghold that next date is also used by the locale to receive Atalaya .)
In short, he gave Racing (not changed) Union and the localia to force on Sunday as local Union will be back in the "Adam Aprea" as well as in the next tournament as they indicate the new schedule should not change the system, order and home advantage. On the Union side, the lower reaches of Joseph Horn (given 3 dates of suspension) but recovers the goalkeeper Pablo Montes de Oca met last Sunday with the 2 dates of sanction had been applied in the debut.
In Racing is down only 1 expulsion (Maximiliano Fernandez that he still has 3 games) as well as the DT Joseph Mastay when you have a couple of dates yet.
All parties will have a date on Sunday 10 and a complete schedule of the day is:
With respect to the statistical background of this party, since 2007 played 13 games with 3 wins for c / u and 7 draws.
The last 2 clashes occurred in the last tournament. On the 9th date of the regular season tied Union-court 3-3 with 6 goals in the initial stage, scoring for Union in 2 opportunities Massolo Mauro (1 penalty) and Gabriel Chiappetta. Union finished with 10 men following the expulsion of Mauritius Pedranzzani.
then measured in a field of Racing in the 4th round. Draw 1 to 1 with the goal of Union Homes through e / c. Both teams finished with 10 (on our side Lucas threw him to the Reme) and equality were a criminal and Mansilla team won 4 to 2.
This will be the 3rd time they meet on the Adam Aprea. Apart from the aforementioned tie was a victory for the Rev. tortera 2009 3 to 2. That
7 June 13th date, goals scored whorls of Manuel Carrillo, and Facundo Aramburu Emiliano Maldonado.
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