Here is how manipulative acts journalism of information not only in this country but around the world, read attentively the "chronic" journal week and notice step by step how to drown themselves in their mistakes and lies. Meet at the entrance to the National Library, in the midst of loneliness typical weekend in the central district of Bogota Las Nieves. While most Catholic city prepares for Palm Sunday, the guests arrive for the commemoration of the birth of Adolph Hitler. They call
Third Force (TF). They wear dark clothes, some wear coats to make them remove the persistent drizzle and cold. With the single hair and shining boots that do not hide their apparent condition militia, one of the leaders admitted that the period of weeks to enter the place of the meeting, the room of a nearby hotel that is accessed by invitation only and which is guarded by police.
name is Diego and tell him 'Commander'. The man takes to heart his role and do your job prohibits the photojournalist until everything is ready. He is young, his head shaved, manicured hands, a tiny mustache and a strong smell of lotion that inevitably recalls the old barber. "It is a tribute this month to the birth of our great leader, "he says and, then, answer a call on his cellphone." Yeah, "Cuchito ', yeah, yeah, everything is ready," he says with almost reverential respect.
On either side of the enclosure up a couple of pictures of Adolf Hitler, accompanied at the bottom with the slogan of Nazi Germany: "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer" ("One people, one empire, one leader"). They are 122 years of birthday, the same number of guests at the meeting. Two red flags flanking the figure with the unmistakable swastika inside a white circle.
TF: First mistake of so astute journalists by saying that two red flags flank his figure with the unmistakable swastika inside a white circle, apparently the journalist does not distinguish what is a swastika, what is the official emblem of the Third Force Cultural Association which nothing could be mistaken for a swastika, definitely in an effort to promote terror and sensationalist journalists do not connect the brain before you turn on the language. National Socialism a la criolla Diego carries with evident pride his black uniform, which overlook the various logos. One is the imperial eagle of the defunct National Socialist Workers before that shall rise to power and founded the Third German Reich. Another may be the letters T and F, also with the old Germanic script.
TF: Second failure of recognition, definitely when you're ignorant, you can not speak more than what first comes to mind, first the eagle present on the coat of Third Force is not the imperial eagle of the defunct National Party Socialist Workers is an eagle that evokes the ancient imperial Roman standards, of course with the respective changes typical of a standard twenty-first century, and second the old Germanic graphy is one thing and Nordic runes quite another apparently when people confuse is no one more expert than a journalist with a desire for sensationalism.
says are "a cultural association that defends" a cultural and ethical heritage, love for our nation and membership in the National family. " He explains that only use violence to "defend the ideal, not to impose it." Are described as anti-capitalist and antileftist, "hence we are the third force," he concludes.
TF: No "we say" we're a cultural association and that we are ratifying our documents filed in camera and commerce and corporate oversight, and defend cultural heritage and "ethnic" unethical and writes as Illustrated reporter, our ethics is a point quite apart from our ethnic heritage and although one is part of the other it is clear that these are words with a very different meaning. not considered illegal. They take items 19 and 20 of the Constitution, guaranteeing freedom of opinion and the right to express thoughts and opinions without borders.
TF: We do not consider illegal, because we are not, and Articles 13, 18, 19 and 20 of Colombia's constitution guarantees our existence, so the same with Articles 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of human rights. That door allows them to be one of the groups followers of National in Latin America with more guarantees, unlike Nazi followers in southern Africa, where restrictions are much stronger.
are governed by a triumvirate that makes the decisions and provided to various departments. Develop projects on several fronts: propaganda, economy, defense and admissions and selection. 'Commander' speaks of having 8,000 members in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Pasto, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga, a figure clearly exaggerated.
TF: It is assumed that for someone so little soggy on the subject of National Socialist activism in Colombia as it is this reporter, the figure of 8,000 members seems exaggerated But official records show otherwise our Association, and thanks to this "review" the entry of militants and supporters to our cause 100% shot. Dome meets twice a week and indoctrination is done with reading and cinema-forums. They also have physical training, military style, which takes place in parks or through activities such as hiking and camping. The Order, as they call too, is supported by a fixed monthly fee it charges money for its members.
Applicants must complete an entry form (in the picture, of course, essential). Talking to accept only those that apply a perfiles de "personas correctas, alejadas de los vicios, con una vida ejemplar -al menos deben trabajar o estudiar- y no tener antecedentes penales o haber causado escándalos públicos".
Pero ¿quién es 'el Comandante'? Un técnico judicial que trabaja como coordinador de seguridad en una empresa, cumple horarios, es soltero, no tiene hijos y vive con su mamá.
Desde los 5 hasta los 80
Las puertas del salón se abren y poco a poco ingresa la concurrencia. La gran mayoría de los que pasan por la puerta no superan los 25 años. Algunos hombres asisten de saco y corbata oscuros, y la mayoría porta brazaletes rojos con la esvástica. Las mujeres llevan vestidos elegantes and abundance of straight hair dyed in bright colors with unconventional cuts.
children also come from the hands of their parents. "It's people who are within this community and actively participates in the activities. We are thus more comfortable than if we leave the children with the children of strangers," said Diego.
then appears on the scene 'Cuchito', refuses to reveal his identity. "Is not it amazing to see so many young enthusiasts?", Is pleased. Explains that, in most cases, these are people with higher education, structured and illustrated, and in middle and high. "These are examples of good socioeconomic background, although we grassroots work in neighborhoods of all strata "he says.
" We hope in five years about 100,000 members, so that we can establish a party. Otherwise, just keep on spreading our message, "he says, without shame.
The 'denial'
On the screen that serves as backdrop to the meeting was planned some of the speeches of the Führer in German, with a translation in a letter from a barely visible size.
There are only white people there. "Cuchito 'is seen on all fours to explain the apparent racism. He says there sends the' racialism ', in which, says - all races are faced with the Jewish. And then resorts to anti-Semitic position with the argument of "denial" to try to ignore the Holocaust, the murder of six million Jews in concentration camps instituted by Hitler and other Nazi hierarchy. Almost contemptuously calls it "Hollowcaust."
The convention is not new. In fact, is the third time you perform on the same site. "These are people who rented the room three hours, take some wine and were dealt a couple of snacks, but when starting, as the atmosphere becomes heavy," admits one of the waiters. Just then we hear the first greeting of "Heil Hitler."
And while it is the German beer, the Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, where Hitler tried to strike his first coup, there are on campus, in the hymn to the wind the flags in the appearance of some of the attendees and the gloomy background of the place, an atmosphere that recalls those horrifying times twentieth century when Pangerman vision, a messianic and anti-Semitic evil leader led humanity to a conflagration that killed 60 million people.
TF: We could not miss the comment in the style of historical documentary narrator based versions of the victors of the war, it shows the impartiality of Mr. Journalist. This is followed by sing Cara fervor verses of the sun, the English Falange anthem, which many know by heart. And after a loud "Heil Hitler" features English sweet wine with ice cube included.
interventions extend for about two hours. A novice, with the candor typical of naive primiparity talks about how proud he is of his income to support that movement and provide a future for your child, "a white boy."
A young man also speaks to the audience and makes a tribute to the image of the Führer, while another questions the role of equality that takes today's woman, who-says-of course be a living from home. In an exhibition, even criticizing Nule the carousel. A "Sieg Heil" tripled the audience the wrong answers.
Another cry rends the air: "Viva Colombia! Viva Spain!". Who throws a veteran English journalist, Fabio Vidal Roca, militant Falangist 78 years old. Then he was given the honorary title of commander in chief of the association. I agree with visible emotion before exclaiming "Heil Hitler."
TF: M. journalist will notice your professionalism and investigative spirit, as our illustrious commander in chief, Comrade Fabio Vidal Roca, not only is not English but also has served not only as a journalist, and certainly not 78. Don Fabio Vidal Roca is Colombian, and from very young he moved to Spain and English military in the phalanx, so having the opportunity to meet the great General Leon Degrelle legion Wallonia, the 28 division of the Waffen-SS, known for all the best soldier of the Fuhrer, Don Fabio Rock not only had the opportunity to meet but also to share large and pleasant experiences and incredible stories that recount this wonderful soldier of the Reich. Roca Fabio Vidal has published several books that reflect their ideal, and has been decorated for his work over the years of intense struggle even more capitalist circles and bitter enemies of our no idea who may be unaware that a person of great worth, among his many titles and offices that as a Colombian, but always with Spain in the heart, obtained are the following: professional journalist in Spain, Managing Editor " La Republica ", Head of Information" El Siglo ", Director of the evening," The Bogotano "Editor in Chief of the Colombian Agency Press" Colombia Press ", former National College of Journalists, editor of the Panorama Radionoticiero the voice of Todelar Bogota Colombia, Head of Relations, Press and Publications TELECOM, (1978-1982), Head of University Publications de la Salle, former director of academic journals of two universities, international correspondent for Mexico AMEX, Deutsche Press Agentur in Germany and the Alcazar in Spain newspaper. Knight of the Order of Isabel la Catolica in 1972. District Court Clerk of Customs Medellin, Former senior judge in the criminal justice Customs Customs medellin. International Plant Chronicler "Scraps." National Journalism Award in 1976 Simon Bolivar (Specialty Economica). Ojala
the journalist who wrote this "chronic" if so be called, is to one day realize what it means to be a real journalist, and strive to reach if you want on the heels of a person it is Fabio Vidal Roca.
closing, 'Commander', released his fiery oratory piece. Our movement is "peaceful but not pacifist," he warns. And concluded, "If laws, characters and dark forces to criticize us and we silenced the voice, as happened in many other countries with some comrades, TF is willing to take up arms to join the underground and die, like all National, in a trench with a rifle on his shoulder. "
TF: No one can deny that the so-called journalist did not hide his desire to instill fear and sensationalism to the words of our comrade and commander, and apart from that the suits at will and cut the speech to make it look like a threat, when our comrade named the take up arms and go into hiding and died like a true socialist country said so in a strictly poetic as ever appointed him our first leader Armando Valenzuela Ruiz, those who knew him we know of that wonderful poetic and metaphorical speech, but of course when our commander named weapons and talk of dying for an ideal, and then appointed: in the words of Don Armando Valenzuela Ruiz, "Mr. journalist, immediately turns to her as usual accommodating terror spilling words on a magazine and make it look like a threat, when we all know that if something has been characterized by Third Force is siding with the forces of law and order in all respects.
The curtain down. It is ten o'clock at night. Hitler took three hours to return the space beyond.
Opportunity in several countries would not only be a scandal, but a crime.
TF: Finally this sinister character may not have to mention words like scandal and offense to finish so as to scare the readers panicked and swallowed whole all the verbiage that a person such as this reporter can be as impartial spit like venom on a mass media for their own benefit.