Thursday, April 28, 2011

How Early Should You Order The Wedding Cake

The local Sunday Playoff

and pulling the playoffs and Union should deal with these instances in 3 of the 4 divisions.
Because the 4th Division have to wait for Sport (rival) to play their game in hand against Racing, Union will start playing this stage only in reserve and 1st division.
Now it is confirmed that on Sunday May 1st these two divisions facing the first leg of the premises.
Reservation Youth will receive after 13:30. This crash occurred last Sunday in the regular season and won the team canary Veronica 3 to 0.

Union's reservation to seek out differences in the leg.
After 1st shift also in the "Adam Aprea" but at 15:30 pm face the "green" Veronica.
in this tournament were measured by the 1 st time and was tied 3 to 3 in H. Harfuch with 2 goals from Emiliano Sioma (1 penalty) and Sebastian Tarbuch.
The last time they played in court was for the 4th tortera date of the last tournament (12/09/2010) with scoring from 1 to 1 tie Mauro Massolo for Union.
In 14 games against the rival Union won 11 and the other parties were tied.
's last win against Veronica tortera was June 20, 2010 when the opening of this year and 8th in final instance, in the second leg local Union won 1-0 with goals from Julian Bell.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lipstick Kisses Tattoo

WE DO NOT answer to anyone.

Gustel Briege IN WHOM YOU LIKE.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Set Charity Hodges Forum

BIG LIES OF THE WEEK MAGAZINE Japanese Minister Naoto Kan

Here is how manipulative acts journalism of information not only in this country but around the world, read attentively the "chronic" journal week and notice step by step how to drown themselves in their mistakes and lies.

Meet at the entrance to the National Library, in the midst of loneliness typical weekend in the central district of Bogota Las Nieves. While most Catholic city prepares for Palm Sunday, the guests arrive for the commemoration of the birth of Adolph Hitler. They call

Third Force (TF). They wear dark clothes, some wear coats to make them remove the persistent drizzle and cold. With the single hair and shining boots that do not hide their apparent condition militia, one of the leaders admitted that the period of weeks to enter the place of the meeting, the room of a nearby hotel that is accessed by invitation only and which is guarded by police.

name is Diego and tell him 'Commander'. The man takes to heart his role and do your job prohibits the photojournalist until everything is ready. He is young, his head shaved, manicured hands, a tiny mustache and a strong smell of lotion that inevitably recalls the old barber. "It is a tribute this month to the birth of our great leader, "he says and, then, answer a call on his cellphone." Yeah, "Cuchito ', yeah, yeah, everything is ready," he says with almost reverential respect.

On either side of the enclosure up a couple of pictures of Adolf Hitler, accompanied at the bottom with the slogan of Nazi Germany: "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer" ("One people, one empire, one leader"). They are 122 years of birthday, the same number of guests at the meeting. Two red flags flanking the figure with the unmistakable swastika inside a white circle.

TF: First mistake of so astute journalists by saying that two red flags flank his figure with the unmistakable swastika inside a white circle, apparently the journalist does not distinguish what is a swastika, what is the official emblem of the Third Force Cultural Association which nothing could be mistaken for a swastika, definitely in an effort to promote terror and sensationalist journalists do not connect the brain before you turn on the language.

National Socialism a la criolla

Diego carries with evident pride his black uniform, which overlook the various logos. One is the imperial eagle of the defunct National Socialist Workers before that shall rise to power and founded the Third German Reich. Another may be the letters T and F, also with the old Germanic script.
TF: Second failure of recognition, definitely when you're ignorant, you can not speak more than what first comes to mind, first the eagle present on the coat of Third Force is not the imperial eagle of the defunct National Party Socialist Workers is an eagle that evokes the ancient imperial Roman standards, of course with the respective changes typical of a standard twenty-first century, and second the old Germanic graphy is one thing and Nordic runes quite another apparently when people confuse is no one more expert than a journalist with a desire for sensationalism.

says are "a cultural association that defends" a cultural and ethical heritage, love for our nation and membership in the National family. " He explains that only use violence to "defend the ideal, not to impose it." Are described as anti-capitalist and antileftist, "hence we are the third force," he concludes.
TF: No "we say" we're a cultural association and that we are ratifying our documents filed in camera and commerce and corporate oversight, and defend cultural heritage and "ethnic" unethical and writes as Illustrated reporter, our ethics is a point quite apart from our ethnic heritage and although one is part of the other it is clear that these are words with a very different meaning.

not considered illegal. They take items 19 and 20 of the Constitution, guaranteeing freedom of opinion and the right to express thoughts and opinions without borders.

TF: We do not consider illegal, because we are not, and Articles 13, 18, 19 and 20 of Colombia's constitution guarantees our existence, so the same with Articles 18, 19 and 20 of the Universal Declaration of human rights.

That door allows them to be one of the groups followers of National in Latin America with more guarantees, unlike Nazi followers in southern Africa, where restrictions are much stronger.

are governed by a triumvirate that makes the decisions and provided to various departments. Develop projects on several fronts: propaganda, economy, defense and admissions and selection. 'Commander' speaks of having 8,000 members in Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, Pasto, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga, a figure clearly exaggerated.

TF: It is assumed that for someone so little soggy on the subject of National Socialist activism in Colombia as it is this reporter, the figure of 8,000 members seems exaggerated But official records show otherwise our Association, and thanks to this "review" the entry of militants and supporters to our cause 100% shot.

Dome meets twice a week and indoctrination is done with reading and cinema-forums. They also have physical training, military style, which takes place in parks or through activities such as hiking and camping. The Order, as they call too, is supported by a fixed monthly fee it charges money for its members.

Applicants must complete an entry form (in the picture, of course, essential). Talking to accept only those that apply a perfiles de "personas correctas, alejadas de los vicios, con una vida ejemplar -al menos deben trabajar o estudiar- y no tener antecedentes penales o haber causado escándalos públicos".

Pero ¿quién es 'el Comandante'? Un técnico judicial que trabaja como coordinador de seguridad en una empresa, cumple horarios, es soltero, no tiene hijos y vive con su mamá.

Desde los 5 hasta los 80

Las puertas del salón se abren y poco a poco ingresa la concurrencia. La gran mayoría de los que pasan por la puerta no superan los 25 años. Algunos hombres asisten de saco y corbata oscuros, y la mayoría porta brazaletes rojos con la esvástica. Las mujeres llevan vestidos elegantes and abundance of straight hair dyed in bright colors with unconventional cuts.

children also come from the hands of their parents. "It's people who are within this community and actively participates in the activities. We are thus more comfortable than if we leave the children with the children of strangers," said Diego.

then appears on the scene 'Cuchito', refuses to reveal his identity. "Is not it amazing to see so many young enthusiasts?", Is pleased. Explains that, in most cases, these are people with higher education, structured and illustrated, and in middle and high. "These are examples of good socioeconomic background, although we grassroots work in neighborhoods of all strata "he says.

" We hope in five years about 100,000 members, so that we can establish a party. Otherwise, just keep on spreading our message, "he says, without shame.

The 'denial'

On the screen that serves as backdrop to the meeting was planned some of the speeches of the Führer in German, with a translation in a letter from a barely visible size.

There are only white people there. "Cuchito 'is seen on all fours to explain the apparent racism. He says there sends the' racialism ', in which, says - all races are faced with the Jewish. And then resorts to anti-Semitic position with the argument of "denial" to try to ignore the Holocaust, the murder of six million Jews in concentration camps instituted by Hitler and other Nazi hierarchy. Almost contemptuously calls it "Hollowcaust."

The convention is not new. In fact, is the third time you perform on the same site. "These are people who rented the room three hours, take some wine and were dealt a couple of snacks, but when starting, as the atmosphere becomes heavy," admits one of the waiters. Just then we hear the first greeting of "Heil Hitler."

And while it is the German beer, the Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, where Hitler tried to strike his first coup, there are on campus, in the hymn to the wind the flags in the appearance of some of the attendees and the gloomy background of the place, an atmosphere that recalls those horrifying times twentieth century when Pangerman vision, a messianic and anti-Semitic evil leader led humanity to a conflagration that killed 60 million people.

TF: We could not miss the comment in the style of historical documentary narrator based versions of the victors of the war, it shows the impartiality of Mr. Journalist.

This is followed by sing Cara fervor verses of the sun, the English Falange anthem, which many know by heart. And after a loud "Heil Hitler" features English sweet wine with ice cube included.

interventions extend for about two hours. A novice, with the candor typical of naive primiparity talks about how proud he is of his income to support that movement and provide a future for your child, "a white boy."

A young man also speaks to the audience and makes a tribute to the image of the Führer, while another questions the role of equality that takes today's woman, who-says-of course be a living from home. In an exhibition, even criticizing Nule the carousel. A "Sieg Heil" tripled the audience the wrong answers.

Another cry rends the air: "Viva Colombia! Viva Spain!". Who throws a veteran English journalist, Fabio Vidal Roca, militant Falangist 78 years old. Then he was given the honorary title of commander in chief of the association. I agree with visible emotion before exclaiming "Heil Hitler."

TF: M. journalist will notice your professionalism and investigative spirit, as our illustrious commander in chief, Comrade Fabio Vidal Roca, not only is not English but also has served not only as a journalist, and certainly not 78. Don Fabio Vidal Roca is Colombian, and from very young he moved to Spain and English military in the phalanx, so having the opportunity to meet the great General Leon Degrelle legion Wallonia, the 28 division of the Waffen-SS, known for all the best soldier of the Fuhrer, Don Fabio Rock not only had the opportunity to meet but also to share large and pleasant experiences and incredible stories that recount this wonderful soldier of the Reich. Roca Fabio Vidal has published several books that reflect their ideal, and has been decorated for his work over the years of intense struggle even more capitalist circles and bitter enemies of our no idea who may be unaware that a person of great worth, among his many titles and offices that as a Colombian, but always with Spain in the heart, obtained are the following:

professional journalist in Spain, Managing Editor " La Republica ", Head of Information" El Siglo ", Director of the evening," The Bogotano "Editor in Chief of the Colombian Agency Press" Colombia Press ", former National College of Journalists, editor of the Panorama Radionoticiero the voice of Todelar Bogota Colombia, Head of Relations, Press and Publications TELECOM, (1978-1982), Head of University Publications de la Salle, former director of academic journals of two universities, international correspondent for Mexico AMEX, Deutsche Press Agentur in Germany and the Alcazar in Spain newspaper. Knight of the Order of Isabel la Catolica in 1972. District Court Clerk of Customs Medellin, Former senior judge in the criminal justice Customs Customs medellin. International Plant Chronicler "Scraps." National Journalism Award in 1976 Simon Bolivar (Specialty Economica). Ojala

the journalist who wrote this "chronic" if so be called, is to one day realize what it means to be a real journalist, and strive to reach if you want on the heels of a person it is Fabio Vidal Roca.

closing, 'Commander', released his fiery oratory piece. Our movement is "peaceful but not pacifist," he warns. And concluded, "If laws, characters and dark forces to criticize us and we silenced the voice, as happened in many other countries with some comrades, TF is willing to take up arms to join the underground and die, like all National, in a trench with a rifle on his shoulder. "

TF: No one can deny that the so-called journalist did not hide his desire to instill fear and sensationalism to the words of our comrade and commander, and apart from that the suits at will and cut the speech to make it look like a threat, when our comrade named the take up arms and go into hiding and died like a true socialist country said so in a strictly poetic as ever appointed him our first leader Armando Valenzuela Ruiz, those who knew him we know of that wonderful poetic and metaphorical speech, but of course when our commander named weapons and talk of dying for an ideal, and then appointed: in the words of Don Armando Valenzuela Ruiz, "Mr. journalist, immediately turns to her as usual accommodating terror spilling words on a magazine and make it look like a threat, when we all know that if something has been characterized by Third Force is siding with the forces of law and order in all respects.

The curtain down. It is ten o'clock at night. Hitler took three hours to return the space beyond. Opportunity in several countries would not only be a scandal, but a crime.

TF: Finally this sinister character may not have to mention words like scandal and offense to finish so as to scare the readers panicked and swallowed whole all the verbiage that a person such as this reporter can be as impartial spit like venom on a mass media for their own benefit.

How To Get A Purple Puffle Without Being A Member

apologize for not being able to cover what was the presentation of Union Youth Veronica to face in all categories, but for reasons of force majeure could not give the Union a fan of the commentary of the match, incidents, photos, etc..
After what happened between Saturday and Sunday 3 of the 4 categories will play the playoffs in search of a passport to 8th round.

The 5th Division was the only one that qualified directly (came into this game already qualified) and similar canary thrashed by 8 to 0. This match is not ternimó
incidents of local people with a piedrazo thrown onto the court among other things and gave the team a win and Medina Lucero.
3 of the scorers scored duplicate Jesus Del Real, Mario Machuca and Leonardo Gonzalez. The other 2 goals were Julian Rios and Enrique Altamirano.
Now the boys will have 20 days break while waiting to know who will be the man who touched in 8th.

The 4th division tied 3 to 3 and this result must play off against Sport Club in the classic rival. This party has not dated because the team albiceleste owes its match against Racing, but what is confirmed is that 1st pitch is played on Sport and the rematch in the "Adam Aprea.
whorls of Sunday's goals were the work of Manuel Andrada, Matias Damian Barainca and Margueliche.

Reservation lost again. Was 3 to 0, and although it was known that playing the playoff, the rival he is again playing Youth placement completed in the 4th and crossed back over the weekend.

getting into the 1st, after starting and losing turn it around, the team finished tied whorls 3 to 3 with a highly controversial goal that was the draw for Youth (apparently it was with the hand but as we were not there to witness can not comment). Emiliano
Sioma on 2 occasions and Manuel Carrillo, who played from the start, were in charge of scoring for Union.
This was the best of Union as far in the tournament where 3 goals than team play was very good and individuals who acted on high level.
good news was the debut in 1st of 2 boys club, Ricardo Alvarez (central midfielder and captain of the reserve) and Brian Coria (front scorer 4th Division) 1st minute and had met many times over.
The team on Sunday was: Pablo Montes de Oca, Claudio Gomez Maciel (Ricardo Álvarez), Damian Chiappetta (c), Sebastian Tarbuch and Alan Danciul, Jonathan Sanchez, Roberto and Marcos abolished Lanfranchi, Luciano Gabriel, Emiliano Sioma and Manuel Carrillo (Brian Coria).
Union must now measure their luck against the "green" Veronica, Magdalena 1, and the rematch in the town of Punta Indio. Now
commitments will come next Sunday (May 1) when booking and disputing their 1st 2 games against teams Veronica.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Homemade Truck Bed Slides

Veronica Veronica Saturday and Sunday left

In what will be the last date of the regular phase of Group 2 is divided Union in 2 to face youth in 4 categories.
On Saturday, 23 will be the turn of the 4th and 5th Division during the hours of 13.30 pm and 15.30 pm respectively.
reserve Sunday and will be playing 1st division at the same times. On the side whorls
already served suspensions Chiappetta and Claudio Gomez Damian Maciel, so Ramon Perez can count them.
This game also serves to Joseph Horn meets the 3 dates they were given and come to play and playoffs. Time
's rival comes with many expelled. Some for several dates but are still suspended and expelled others recently lost Sunday's game as both 1st reserve. Some cases are Lizarralde, Arin Díaz, Fuscaldo Stierk Doreste and others.

With respect to the statistics this match is very even but with a slight advantage aurinegra, as in 15 league matches in the Union won 6, Youth 5 and the other 4 remaining games were drawn.
in goals is also very even because Union scored 25 goals and Youth 22. The latest clash was
whorls 4 to 2 victory in the court of the canary in the last tournament with 2 goals from Gabriel Chiapetta, Juan Figueroa and Marcos Argüello, after the Union was losing 2 to 0. The Jaime Meabe
for 4 Union does not lose matches. One must go back to Cl 2008 when instances of the local 4th of final won 4 to 1 and advanced to the semifinals.
Then came a 2 to 0 (Aramburu and Ariel Carlos) and 1 to 1 (Diego Muñoz) in Sec 2009, 3 to 3 very pointed (Ariel Brites, Raul Montes de Oca penalty and Julian Bello) by Cl 2009 and the aforementioned 4 to 2.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Volunteer Sayings To Go With Post It

What date VI

positions with the results what was the penultimate date of the qualifying stage and there is a broad picture of who qualify directly to the playoffs and who will play the playoff.
Union already knows he will have to go play in revalidation tournament which will be so far the 2 most important games of "whorls" in the 1st half.
Youth, Sport and Watchtower are those who qualify directly. Be seen against Union that defines their fate (from Veronica today would define that).
Looking at the table and what will be the crosses, against Bavio no chance, because Mansfield's team has already secured the last seat and determine with whom the 4th exit, since the Union can not play Sunday because Villa - Veronica.
So if there are "green" is Villa Garibaldi's rival Union in the playoffs.
An important fact to take into account all divisions is that with equal points in the table is defined with the Olympic system (outcome and / Both favor the winner and in case of a tie goes to tell the difference in goals).

In stock yesterday with the defeat of Union can not climb any position on Sunday by more than get a win and apart from playing the playoff, with whom he will go in the 4th position (can be any less Atalaya area already qualified) and according to the crossings as they can get you to play any of the other 5 teams.

The 4th division has large sort and if you get a win on Sunday would go visiting Youth at the 3rd location. In tie
get 9 Pts, like Watchtower that has the same points, goal difference but not enough to Union, because the confrontation between the two finished tied goalless.
Keep in mind that the 4th Division of Youth (has 6 Pts) comes from losing 8 to 0 against Watchtower and Union rout at Villa 9 to 0 in 45 ', so in theory you can think of a win of July Lapalma kids but this is football.
The "dwarf" Damian Barainca and "darling" became Margueliche Matías 3 of 9 goals from yesterday (2 and 1 respectively) so the photo is scoring in the 4th pair.

The 5th Division and the 8th ranked. The last date arrives with 12 points in 2nd place and top of the Racing and Villa (immediate pursuers with 9 Pts c / u). Beyond
any result will not change the 2nd location because both guards and equipment Lucero Medina and won them over on Sunday the boys lost and the escorts reach 12 Pts can not happen in the table, nor Veronica can pass Union has 15 Pts, and if they lose on Sunday and win the same European Union are in the 1st placement because the "green" points to beat Union in the 1st date when the delegation arrived tortera late and had to give up those points. Lucas
Risso (photo) was 1 of the authors of the whorls goals yesterday. 1st celebration of whorls defender in this tournament.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bible Black Streeming

Al playoff local

Union lost 3 to 0 against Villa Garibaldi played poorly and should automatically play the revalidation for a place in the 8th.

For this party beforehand Union already had 2 low by expulsions (Chiappetta and Maciel Gomez), so there were changes entering in the starting 11 from 1 minute Morales and Mendez Estibao.
The team was: Pablo Montes de Oca, Sebastian Tarbuch, Eduardo Estibao, Juan Morales and Jonathan Sanchez (Ignacio Novarini) Agustín Méndez, Roberto Lanfranchi, Marcos abolished (Alan Danciul); Germain Herrero, Gabriel Luciano Emiliano Sioma (c) .
whole party had balls abuses of the 2 teams. Villa intends not to play and try to fix as you can and try to advance Union to create game play and practice but not out.
The clear play 1st match was a Villa free kick above the barrier where Montes de Oca dramatically flying into the upper pick up the ball left target was to score.
at 35 'was the 1st goal for Villa. Ball stop on the left past center and a former Union Marcelo Chiappeta opened the scoring.
No clear arrivals from Union and after 1st half boring, the supplement did not change much. Union
attacked and approached on goal but without creating clear scoring situations, the minutes passed and that one must add the 2nd Villa goal where the opposing player gets in front of the bow, find the space and puts the ball around the post right of the goalkeeper who did not come. Thereafter
Villa retreated back and let slip the minute. Union had a couple of corners and flooding but failed to unsettle the visitors arc. Lanfranchi
testing medium distance Sioma was the very best in Union tried to play but could not find partners to help.
The Union became clearer when, after an overflow on the right, past the center so that clears spare goalkeeper Herrero half and testing above 1 is redeemed, and prevents the fall.
The 3rd goal came at 42 'in a play-by-right and down a violent shot put final figures.
Villa played better, was more clear and intelligent and therefore took the 3 points.
Union is no balance to handle the parties and create situations Net goal.
Now is the last match of this phase where the hearing to face Veronica Youth must win to finish as best placed to see how they are the intersections of the playoffs and enhance the image to face the decisive matches of the form more optimal.
getting into what were the other parties in the morning / afternoon, the 5th Division 1st Time regained. He did it by 3 to 0 with goals from Luis Rios, Luke Risso and Jesus Del Real.
With this victory the kids are going to 12 Pts and direct classification is very close.

The 4th division (photo) had an unusual game because in the Villa Garibaldi halftime came to play the 2nd half due to swollen result of the first stage. The 1st half ended
9 to 0 in favor of Union and after that Villa was delivered and not left for the supplementary.
One other important data for this is that Villa played with 11 players and there was no numerical difference, only football and wide. Rodrigo Tarbuch
2, 2 Brian Coria, 2 Barainca Damian, Manuel Andrada, Francisco Matias Margueliche Oggero and were the ones who shared the 9 goals in a 4th whorls also want to sort of direct way to 8th.
The division was the subject lost by 3 to 2.
The minutes had returned Manuel Carrillo in this category and returned as a starter and with a goal to get back to rhythm. The 2nd goal
Union was at the feet of Sergio Moreno.
to the reserve and do not give the numbers to enter the top 3 and also will play the playoff for a spot in the playoffs.

Friday, April 15, 2011

If A Human Takes Rimadyl

We again

programming is now what will be the 6th opening date.
Union for 4th time in the tournament will receive local this time Villa Garibaldi in "Adam Aprea" on Sunday in all categories.
The novelty in terms of hours is that the parties went ahead half an hour, using the "winter time" where the days are cooler and shorter.
The official program mandated by the league is:

As usual before c / party reviewed the statistical data of this meeting and with respect to Villa Garibaldi L.Ch.F. the numbers favor the Union, since the 9 games played, won in whorls 5 and tied 1, being 3 wins for Barça.
should be remembered that one of those victories Villa won in court when the game tied 2-2 in the 2nd date Rev. 2007, 15 April (exactly 4 years ago) was given by poor livestock including a juvenile whorls team. The new court
Union fought 2 times and there was a victory for ea In 2009 Rev.
Union won 2 to 1 with goals from Emiliano Manuel Carillo and Aramburu.
The win for Villa was the last tournament when he won 2 to 0 for the 2nd date of the closure.

Monday, April 11, 2011

White Discharge In 39 Week

V Conclusions

This date was very positive due to the Union victory over Racing where he was located in the 4th position in the table (the penultimate place, go up to 2 position with 3 points).
Apart from the significance of the victory is emphasized that the fence remained unbeaten and the high level shown by some players as Sioma or abolished (photo) to name some names.)
But not all were good Ramón for the team as the next date is 2 lower bound by expulsions (Claudio Gomez Damian Maciel and Chiappetta) and have to see how it evolves Jonathan Sanchez in the week due to discomfort suffered yesterday and he did leave the court in halftime.
As the results of 2 games played by this group, like the Union, the others also ended 1 to 0. Sport and Atalaya beat Veronica did the same with Villa Garibaldi. Leaderboard
not too much changes, except the escalation of Union and the end is now shared by 3 teams following the pointer was only until last Sunday was free (youth).
Now The last 2 dates are for those who go directly to 8th-final and who played the playoff. They are 6 points that can vary the final table and decide the future of several teams in group 2.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Replace Shocks Jeep Liberty 2003

date fell short

Triumph Union for minimal difference but it could have been much more. In a game with 4 expelled whorls team could have scored 4 goals more quietly but failed in the definition.
Seeking 1st win of the tournament, Union presented a number of changes compared to the last game. He served the suspension Montes de Oca, Sioma again appeared as headlines and Novarini Gabriel.
The team showed again a 4-4-2 with the following names: Pablo Montes de Oca, Sebastian Tarbuch, Ignacio Novarini, Claudio Gomez and Damian Maciel Chiappetta (c) Jonathan Sanchez (Alan Danciul), Roberto Lanfranchi, Marcos abolished and Germain Herrero Sioma and Luciano Emiliano Gabriel (John Morales).
At the start of the match there was very little game, where teams were playing pitch and delivered the ball. Situations were not clear and the ball always ride in the middle of the field. Just
at 30 'showed the football when he opened the scoring. Sioma received the ball near the open area to the left, saw the goalkeeper ahead and exquisite "Vaseline" put the 1 to 0. Racing
not worried at all the arc of Union, just had a couple of corners which came to nothing.
In the last 5 'of the Union pt had 2 clear chances to increase the difference, the clearest was the "Chinese" abolished with a pirouette off the crescent of the area and the other was an overflow of left, center and flush Jonathan Sanchez arrives required and could not convert.

In addition to the 20 'were the 2 teams with 9 men ea First the referee
Gomez threw the captain of Racing for protesting and arguing with Smith, however after the expulsion, the visitor will want to fight for "out" at the wheel spindle whorls.
Next came an advocate of Racing with a clear foul that earned the 2nd yellow and costumes. There came the clear
compensation for the victims, inventing infractions and tilting the court to make everything more even. In a ball
divide the judge takes yellow Maciel Gomez (who was booked) and the red below.
On a play like he did the same with Damian Chiappetta and 2 to 9.
During this period of play interrupted, the clearer the Racing had a hand in hand Montes de Oca worked out very well maintained zero.

The minutes passed, the effort by increasing the numerical inferiority and legs weakened.
The last 10 'were to goleara Union. Spaces, with the ball and creating clear situations could not increase the difference and get the deserved goal reassuring to end the game.
were many that were created. Sioma a face to face with the keeper where 1 instructs the corner, another Sioma touches for Smith and that he wants to come and you blunder as one of Lanfranchi in the area that takes the ball to the middle and nobody and could push some more of the "fox" with a free kick over the goalkeeper barrier worked out well.
tortera victory was final and that serves to take off a boot that was not the best, to score in the table and to leave Racing in last place with only 1 point.
would have to consult a statistician in the league, but this boot Mansilla team must be the worst for a defending champion could not win a single match and only collected a point in 4 games.

Reporting on what were the other parties to the other division, the 5th Division won again. was 3 to 0 and the team of Lucero and "moth" Medina almost has one foot in the 8th round.

The 5th Division again adding to a 3.

The 4th division counting. While he could not get a win, tied 0 to 0 and remains a very tough rival and very difficult to turn you goals.
The only loss was the reserve. In a game that was for 0 to 0, the visit he met a goal d other party and the final rounding difference increased by 2 to 0 End.
Finally the news is sad and bad day.
The news channel plate speaks for itself:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What Good Impact Does Chapstick Have

On the 5th at the fifth president

On the next date against Racing de Bavier and we talked about how it may change the normal schedule because of the homecourt team of General Mansilla (for parts in the local court is playing in a field of Villa Garibaldi, stronghold that next date is also used by the locale to receive Atalaya .)
In short, he gave Racing (not changed) Union and the localia to force on Sunday as local Union will be back in the "Adam Aprea" as well as in the next tournament as they indicate the new schedule should not change the system, order and home advantage.
On the Union side, the lower reaches of Joseph Horn (given 3 dates of suspension) but recovers the goalkeeper Pablo Montes de Oca met last Sunday with the 2 dates of sanction had been applied in the debut.
In Racing is down only 1 expulsion (Maximiliano Fernandez that he still has 3 games) as well as the DT Joseph Mastay when you have a couple of dates yet.
All parties will have a date on Sunday 10 and a complete schedule of the day is:

With respect to the statistical background of this party, since 2007 played 13 games with 3 wins for c / u and 7 draws.
The last 2 clashes occurred in the last tournament. On the 9th date of the regular season tied Union-court 3-3 with 6 goals in the initial stage, scoring for Union in 2 opportunities Massolo Mauro (1 penalty) and Gabriel Chiappetta. Union finished with 10 men following the expulsion of Mauritius Pedranzzani.
then measured in a field of Racing in the 4th round. Draw 1 to 1 with the goal of Union Homes through e / c. Both teams finished with 10 (on our side Lucas threw him to the Reme) and equality were a criminal and Mansilla team won 4 to 2.
This will be the 3rd time they meet on the Adam Aprea. Apart from the aforementioned tie was a victory for the Rev. tortera 2009 3 to 2. That
7 June 13th date, goals scored whorls of Manuel Carrillo, and Facundo Aramburu Emiliano Maldonado.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Baking Lasagna And Foil


On Saturday night there was the annual general meeting and the most important note was the election of Horace Botana as president of the club.
The new committee is composed as follows:

PRESIDENT: Horacio Botana. VICE
: Reynaldo Paulos.
SECRETARY: Gustavo Argüello. PRO
SECRETARY: William Lima.
TREASURER: Jorge Paulos. PRO
CFO: Catherine Botana. VOCAL

Marcelo Carrillo. Esteban
Castiglia. Sol
Alberto Repetto.

Carlos Belmonte.
Nicholas Paulos. Veronica

Audit Commission HEADLINE:
Fernando Tarbuch.
Gustavo Salado.

Audit Commission ALTERNATE:
Cira Alvarez.
Carlos Castiglia. Besides

approve the new commission, other points that played were the reading of previous minutes, the consideration of memory and balance for the year ended 31/12/2010 and the consideration of the membership fee. Botana
after thanking the charge assigned emphasized devote himself to the reform of the ballroom, a project which aims to fill this new committee. Horacio
Botana takes the post of the former president "Pupo" Castiglia leaving the office after 11 years of management where among the most important things in his time are highlighted around the football, the official opening of the sports field on the campus of the fifth and as icing on the cake appears Chascomunense league championship won in the 2nd half 2009. Botana
became president of the institution number 22 (there were several who had more than 1 term) and the 3rd from last 20 years.
As president of Union statistics can be noticed that Antonio "Toto" Ghilini was the president with more mandates (4) adding 7 years of management.
Other leaders with various periods were Antonio Bianchi (3 periods totaling 5 years) and Pedro "Perico" Marquez (3 times in 4 years).
With 2 periods and Emir displayed Manuel Mendez Ruiz. Mendez was responsible for 4 years and Ruiz 3.
Carlos "Pupo" Castiglia, outgoing president who was more time is interrupted in in office with 11 years in office.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Is It Ok To Use An Expired Vigamox After

IV Conclusions

It was another classic, this time not to lose touch. The difference with the previous classic and our "cousins" is that yesterday as well as on other occasions that they won, when the Union fans left the stadium, did so thinking about the next game the following Sunday, people Sport when he was defeated in recent years, it did so in the next championship next year, because it left out by her rivals.
Union in the group also played the 2 parties involved.
In Veronica Youth (with several low by expulsion of many dates) scoreless draw with Villa Garibaldi.
Atalaya, and new local playing on their home court to beat Racing 2 to 0 leaving the team of General Mansilla in the last position (a position that will not affect future should reach the playoffs and advance to 8th .)
Returning to Union, the goal is to correct some flaws in various aspects and get a win to climb beyond the table, getting a boost morale that can serve a lot. The next opponent is
Racing visitor. Here's to mark the Bavio team serves as a local court in Villa Garibaldi, but Villa played well the next date of local so there may be modifications.
Some of the options by which you can choose to come are:
  • early delivery of Union.
  • early delivery of Villa.
  • Racing games at another stadium. Racing
  • changes the homefield to Union.
There are several options but on Tuesday when the league send the official program for the 5th time we know when and where our team will play next weekend.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why Does The Amylas Stop Working When Food

date no matter won the

devalued in a classic system tournament and without affecting too much the result, Sport beat 2 to 1. 2 expulsions and a penalty were the party extra condiments.

This was a classic than those listed above when defining where important things and who advanced and who stays out of the tournament.
For this party presented a 3-4-1-2 Union under the following names: Ezequiel
Garbarino, Sebastian Tarbuch, Damian Chiappetta (c) and Claudius Maciel Gomez, Jonathan Sanchez (Ignacio Novarini), Marcos abolished, Juan Morales (Luciano Gabriel) and Alan Danciul (Federico Olazar) Roberto Lanfranchi, Joseph Horn and Germain Herrero.
The match was locked boot and rubbed and Union went to press in midfield and the ball went through the feet of furnaces it was clear the player whorls.
at 15 'was the goal of Union, where the visitors' defense really bad mark, Lanfranchi was hand in hand with the keeper and instead of defining, tap to the left where that came Germain Herrero right touch of Union made up 1 to 0.
whorls team played well, had the ball and soccer field generated opponent but lacked create clear scoring situations.
At 41 'Sport tie came on a play that started right and defined by in the center. Thus ended the 1st half.

In additional to the visit was getting a little more and whorls playing field.
2 egg they had crashed into the crossbar and a header and mid-distance shot.
At 21 'in a controversial play, the assistant referee call informs you about an incident which we saw and the judge finished casting 1 per team (Horn by Aguilera Union and Sport).
In the midst of a sloppy game and play with more interruptions, Sport took advantage of that time and 25 'Garbarino criminal commits him to a visiting striker changing cross shot on goal with Union on 1 hit to play. At that time
Sport Union played better and did not find the ball and had generated more clearly than his left foot cross was Gabriel who went astray.
In the final minutes with more courage than Football Union was in search of an equalizer and nearly succeeds with a pair of headers and shot from outside abolished that passed very near the goal.
The 7 'by adding (the game was stopped for some visitors bias incidents) failed to seek equality Union against a team desperate to break and ask the time both inside and outside the court. Final
Sport and fair victory in a match that had little football and many interruptions.

Union still failed to score on a 3 in the tournament, but taking into account the rating system can be accessed safely 8th of any options that may occur.
The other match of the evening was in 1st turn the tie 0 to 0 of the reservation.
Here too there was no Union football and he could win with a great play by Danilo Cremonte that after getting rid of a couple of defenders got a missile that tackled the perfect goalkeeper managed to deflect the corner.
The incidence of this match was that Sport finished with 10 men for proper removal.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Broil Striploin Steak

We let the kids

In games developed by the 4th date that covers the commitments of the 2 lower divisions, Union took 100% of getting points in game victories in the classic 5th and 4th Division accordingly.
1st Time played in the 5th division won by 2 to 0 to its similar Sport Club.
The annotations were made by Nicolás Torres and Jesus Del Real. Great victory
more boys got the club joined his 2nd straight victory.
The result could have been more bulky but closed the game with 2 goals.

4th team that won 2 to 1.

Then it was the turn of the 4th Division who got the 1st win of the championship and just in the classic. He earned
Union 1 to 0 with the goal of Brian Coria in the 1st stage, but the add was a tie between Sport and the expulsion of the kid leaving the whorls Sales with 10, but multiplying the kids to compensate for the numerical difference.
At times it seemed that the Union was playing with 12 and Sport 10, constantly beating the front of Union defenders back visitors.

Rodrigo Tarbuch, author of the great goal of victory in 4th.

As a reward for such sacrifice came the winning goal by Rodrigo Tarbuch. Golazo
the boy who entered the area was in position 8, hooked his left leg and less able defined the goalkeeper's right post.
Importantísimo July victory Lapalma team that had earlier goalless draw against Watchtower 9 players. This is one of the categories griddle that can reach farther.