Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Stomach Ulcer Why Scan


image: www.sandowplus.co.uk

Today we will talk about one of the most necessary and also controversial in the history of strength and bodybuilding, Bob Hoffman. Without a doubt, was a key figure in the development of these sports, although he had reservations about bodybuilding, since for him, building muscle mass devenia of strength training and power, but in itself not kept as important as lifting. It is for this reason that Hoffman is a key personality in the birth and evolution of powerlifting and weightlifting in North America, and much will have to do with the preparation of athletes during the cold war period where the search for the nation was stronger hand of the sport. Among the champions who came under the tutelage of Hoffman can appoint John Grimek, Steve Stanko, and Tommy Konno (gold medal in the lightweight category in 1952 Olympics Hensinki, Finland). Historically, Hoffman was born in Tifton, Georgia on November 9, 1898. As a child, begins to have contact with the force (his father was a strongman) and his 5 years he moved to Wilkinsburg near Pittsburgh. Already in his youth related to sports, showing their skills for the sport and shine in the aquatic specialty. On his return from World War I, Hoffman is back with medals and honors and settled in York. Is about in 1923 when he founded his company "The York Barbell Company (still in operation http://www.yorkbarbell.com/ ) where marketed bars, weights, dumbbells, elements and apparatus for training of force. In addition, as a coach and nutritionist, trained and dedicated lifters in the business of supplementation (two places from which had its differences with Charles Atlas and his theory of dynamic tension with Joe Weider on the side of sports supplements.) The York Barbell Broad Street Gym was the gym where his athletes would train, and Strength and Health magazine, owned, an icon of physical culture of the time. Among his books and classics can be named "Weightlifting" ( Weight Lifting by Bob Hoffman) published in 1939, "The simplified system of Bob Hoffman of training bar" (Bob Hoffman's Simplified System of Barbell Training) published in 1940, "Advanced method of weight training" Advanced Methods of Weight Training published in 1951. In one of his books is a phrase that describes his personality and his role in one of the most important periods and also contested in the history of the strength and bodybuilding "Bring me a man who is ambitious, with a strong desire to be champion and nine times out of ten will be champion. " Finally in July 1985 suffering from heart disease die, but his legacy continues and his work can be criticized or praised, but Hoffman is without a doubt, essential in the evolution of the strength sports.


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