have one hundred and twenty years since Adolf Hitler came into the world an April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn, a village Austrian border with Germany. One child, whose destiny was to lead a titanic struggle by the Indo-European worldview, was the result of marriage between Alois and Klara Hitler Pölzl, a customs officer and a woman looking bright and he inherited all of his facial features.
The purpose of this humble prologue is not going into details about his biography, but pay tribute to the 120 th anniversary of his birth. However, if the reader is interested in exploring this matter, should know that this is a blame the victim of a figure unprecedented in history, so often misrepresented encounter documentation. If I had to mention three works which certainly falsify get rid of the media, I would highlight three: "Adolf Hitler, my childhood friend" of August Kubizeck, describing all their artistic and psychic characteristics. Print these that reflects the author based on the experiences between 1904 and 1908, being the most important testimony about his life, because if it is true, tells only part of his youth, he follows his personality and his attitude is better understood and to his ideology, which years later, deeply marked by the Great War , developed, first as a politician and later as a statesman. Another notable work is "Hitler, The March to the Reich" by Leon Degrelle, an excellent historical overview of the NSDAP and its leader from 1918 to 1933, where one finds the Hitler of the years of struggle, years when his talent became evident as he and his unlimited fighting capacity, of which the world has witnessed since 1939. A third title highly recommended is "I burned to Hitler" by Erich Kempka, SS Sturmbannführer be his driver for thirteen years, wrote this fantastic book which is nothing but a historical document of first order, which not only speaks of the past days of Hitler, it also offers an interesting perspective on his person and his circumstances. After, not before you read these three books, I recommend reading "Hitler, missing years" of Ernst Hanfstaengl, one of his closest comrades at the dawn of NSDAP. This is a book that must distinguish between those statements based on reality and many others because of its inconsistency, must be result of the intervention of Peter Lewin, head of the original edition, to whom we should not consider an honest editor, but a propagandist in the service of the victors.
About this book "My Doctrine" is a synthesis of National Socialist ideology consists of passages from "Mein Kampf" complemented by content of the most momentous speeches of Hitler until 1938, the first French edition authorized by the NSDAP. The fact that "Mein Kampf" offensive to include a few paragraphs to France was the subject of a German refusal on the authorization of a French version. But this text shows the improvement of German resentment in the interwar period for which data "Mein Kampf." Perhaps we are compared to the first truly European gesture, a sign that predicted the development of National Socialism, which reaches its peak from 1943 and which states the need to unite all Aryan peoples against the common enemy.
In any case, which we want to know the Nazis in 2009, are the doctrinal issues that must be preserved at all costs, because if one thing is clear in the West is in no way Europe or a white society, awakened by forms of German National Socialism of the 30's. Aesthetic forms, symbols, rituals and even the very name "National" are temporary and external aspects that do not belong to the essence of world-view is more, none of this was what made it great to National. On the contrary, what makes NS a Weltanschauung and not a mere political power, are the metaphysical aspects of the doctrine, ie: honor, loyalty, devotion to the blood, spiritual freedom, the ability to create, art as lifting, self-improvement, ethical socialism. All these concepts are not anything other than values \u200b\u200band these are timeless, not exclusive of the 30, so that our cause is a struggle of values, such as Alfred Rosenberg wrote.
from all It follows that the eternal values \u200b\u200bof our people were not created by Adolf Hitler, or were born with it, and with him were killed. Impact on this to warn of the futility that is an enormous cult of personality. The Führer fought over concepts himself, the same ones for which we fight a battle without any ESPERAZA short-term victory. That is why we should not fall on the staff, because our design is above everyone, including Hitler. Unquestionably, there will be a before and after Hitler, we set a path and unmasked the eternal enemy, showing that the world is moving according to their individual designs. This was the Austrian painter masterpiece of a "machine" that was closest to save humanity from the clutches of global materials, in which the individual abstracts of their racial community and becomes a citizen of the world.
struggle, what is the fight?, Struggle is the only thing that gives meaning to life. How can we fight the Nazis today? Preparing in every way, especially in the intellectual, we must recover our intelligentsia. While culture and knowledge in the hands of the enemy, every revolt, every political action is sterile. If the university chairs are occupied by the enemy, and publishers and publications, targeted by enemies of our race, defeat is certain. If we opened a cultural battleground in these areas, you should not worry so much about the media power of Hollywood, we opened it created an elite which would develop a layer leader who struggles at the political level and to mobilize the white masses that still exist. At this point, this is our only hope.
fight to the limit of our strength, this is another of our features. Hitler was raised never to surrender, a fact which made him misunderstood among several members of the elite German military. They could not absorb the mystique of the war were military, however, Hitler was a warrior. He wrote a golden chapter in our history, but not the last. Prepare future generations to open another chapter, our race will not perish without first giving the best of it. This will make it rise again, if you finally manage to destroy it. Rather than recreate the martial parades, with the symbols and greetings, let's stay with the last message from the Ministry of Propaganda, when after being defeated only in the military, Berlin in ruins, filled with posters appeared read: They gave our walls, but not our hearts. Fernand
In Castilla, 2009.