Argentine neo-Nazis were sentenced to work 50 hours Holocaust Museum
The 'skinhead' (skinheads) should go Holocaust Museum to participate in "educational and cultural activities" developed in that institution and to take "direct knowledge of the dire circumstances and victims" of the extermination of Jews in Nazi Germany, a court ruled in Buenos Aires.
After spending 50 hours in such activities will have to work another 100 in a soup kitchen in the neighborhood of Constitución, in the southeast of the capital of Argentina, according to the statement published by the Buenos Aires newspaper Clarin.
"not yet received judicial notice. Also not the first time we get young people to do community work for having committed acts of discrimination" apuntó Graciela Jinich, quien dirige el Museo del Holocausto.
Portavoces del comedor comunitario de Constitución señalaron a su vez que a los jóvenes neonazis les espera la labor de fregar pisos y trabajos de pintura, entre otros de mantenimiento.
Los jóvenes neonazis habían sido apresados a mediados de agosto pasado, cuando una patrulla policial los descubrió pintando cruces esvásticas en una sinagoga y en comercios de Once, barrio del centro geográfico de Buenos Aires cuyos vecinos son en su mayoría judíos.
La policía se incautó de armas de fuego, cuchillos, uniformes e insignias nazis, además de vídeos racistas, al allanar luego los domicilios de detainees.
"The law is giving them a chance to stand up to reality. May be aware of what they did," said prosecutor Luis Duacastella Arbizu. BUENO AIRES