Roland Essmaker born March 24, 1916 in Richmond, Indiana, USA. UU. In its early muscle training and without at first with a set of bars "Milo" (company founded by Alan Calvert) with which to train, He trained through domination, single leg squats, and used the weight windows "type" American that slide up to open, repeatedly raising and lowering them. It's July 4, 1939 when the first part Essmaker Mr America AAU, ranking first in the high category and first in the Overall. In the same year competing in the "York Perfect Man 'being a fourth place in the high category. There is a controversy over who was the first Mr. America, as before, more precisely on 10 June of that year, was held an event touted as the first contest look for the physical ideal of who would represent Mr. America. This contest was won by Bert Goodrich, but did not have the support of the AAU or other entity that gives official recognition. Despite this, there is no denying that Roland Essmaker was a real Mr. America and possessed the necessary qualities to deserve that title. After the contest and throughout 1940, was devoted Essmaker modeling for art schools, colleges and universities as the prestigious Yale, or Columbia or Illinois, I also do work for Walt Disney studios in Hollywood, California. During the same period, he worked at Sig Klein's Gym and Tony Sansone's Gym. After having served in the U.S. Army. UU. where he trained from 1941 in what might be called the medical corps of the army, carried out technical tasks such as surgery touring several camps throughout the country. Finally in 1946 were set in California where he married and Virginia Stanley, opened a gym on Melrose Avenue in Hollywood who later sold. Among other events that we participated then name the Mr. USA in 1949, where it achieved a relevant position, but who shared the event with other great cultures of the time as John Grimek (who eventually won), Clarence Ross, Steve Reeves, Vince Gironda, George Eifermann, among others. And away from competitive life, Roland Essmaker was devoted to work in the media, both in the radial graph. In 1969 he began with his wife to build what would be his retirement home, ending a pure effort (and that they were devoted to the construction of it) in 1972. Already at an advanced age, he trained three times a week with weights using light weights and also does cardio regularly. On October 3, 2002 Roland Essmaker leaves the physical plane to become a bodybuilding legend and will always be remembered, despite all controversy, as a real Mr. America. and as its closer, as a great man, the nicest in the world.
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