Clarence Ross, llamado en la época dorada del fisicoculturismo, "El Rey de los Físicoculturistas", nacio en California, en Oakland mas precisamente el 26 de Octubre de 1923. Es a los 17 años cuando comienza a entrenar sus musculos y luego del bombardeo a Pearl Harbour, se enlista en la Fuerza Aerea Estadounidense, donde se lo asigna como entrenador weightlifting. Persevering in its objective, "Clancy" Ross, not only had a body with a sleek lines but was also admired for his strength. In relation to the weights used in their training, can be highlighted in military press 140 kilos for multiple repetitions, 200 kilos in the squat for 10 repetitions, and 175 kilos for 10 reps in press plane. Prior to Ross, bodybuilders generally used the method of a simple series of exercise, an issue which he modified in his training by 2 to 3 series. Among his other data relating to their training, they could note that the exercise began with squats were preferred, and that Despite training in series of 8 to 10 repetitions, never neglected his strength training and power movements.
His titles won in the competitive environment were:
Pro Mr. America 1945 Mr. America 1946 Mr. USA 1948
Mr. USA 1949 (second place behind John Grimek, but before Reeves)
With a highly successful career, Clarence Ross was on the cover of numerous magazines, such as Iron Man, Health and Strength, Muscle Power and Your Physique among others have also appeared in such film projects in Hollywood. With John Grimek, were the only two people able to defeat Steve Reeves twice. In 1945, after retiring from the military, he opened his gym in Alameda, California and is also manager of the West Coast of the American Health Gyms Studios. He now lives in California.

Clarence Ross was named the king of bodybuilders, in a time where large, as Steve Reeves, John Grimek, Reg Park, Jack La Lanne, among other giants, were in the top of the bodybuilding world. The King ... there will have been right? just enough to see the photos and their training and force levels.